Posts Tagged ‘ the times. ’

I’m Back and the nytimes Book Review

So I haven’t blogged in a while. I guess that’s why its been raining so much lately, god was crying. Sorry about the hiatus but I’m back now so the sun shall soon shine. Anyway…


is good, thoughtful books about interesting historical events or current political issues, but finding interesting novels in the times book review is like finding needles in haystacks. selection there nonfiction. Who the hell gets there book recommendations from the New-York times book review section? I mean, I admit about two-thirds of have a questionI


The times just throws out these books that no one wants to read. From pompous author so and so, or from foreign author so and so, this book, about absolutely nothing, has sixteen creative metaphors , a nonlinear plot structure, characters who are more symbol than reality and a wonderful scene where the narrator drinks while looking out to sea. We love it.  

And I have middlebrow tastes. I hate James Patterson, and authors like him, but the times seems to purposefully review fiction that only ass holes want to read.  

thoughts on health, or the lack thereof.

Here are two letters to the editor taken from the times, with my reactions below each letter. Enjoy!

Re ‘F.D.A. Panel Will Examine Menthol Cigarettes’ (Business Day, March 30):
My question is: Why should Big Tobacco be allowed this deadly exception for menthol when other tobacco flavorings have been banned?
Working in the Bronx community to save lives and dollars from tobacco use, I see the answer every day in our stores and bodegas. The tobacco industry is masterful in manipulative marketing, and mentholated cigarettes target our community, playing on the addictions of our adults and the vulnerability of our youth. It’s time to end this immoral exception. David A. Lehmann
Project Manager
Bronx Smoke-Free Partnership
Bronx, March 30, 2010
Cigarettes are addictive. Give a menthol smoker a pack of unmenthalated cigarettes, and I promise you he’s not going to quit. He’ll bitch, but he’ll bitch with a cigarette in his mouth. Some people smoke pipes, some people smoke cigars. Some people smoke normal cigarettes, some people smoke menthol cigarettes. I wish this blowhard would leave menthol cigarettes alone and let people who want to kill themselves in peace. A person who can’t quit smoking is either fully awhare of the health affects and is purposefully ignoring them or is weak, either way its a personal decision. A final adendom. Mentholated cigarettes are not a deadly exception, as all cigarettes increase the risk of death. They are merely an exception.


Lo-Sweet, Lo-Fat, Lo-Salt’ (editorial, March 31) was a start, but the next step needs to be addressed — why we are eating unhealthy foods in the first place. Likely culprits are a fast-paced lifestyle that makes grabbing a cookie easier than cutting up an apple; the higher cost of healthier foods, a consideration for those on a budget; and fast-food and other meal-producing companies, taking advantage of these concerns, that promote meals laden with fat, salt and sweeteners.
If only food producers could be given incentives to produce healthy foods within a budget, and we as a society could make the effort to slow down.
Terry Weitzen
Highland Park, N.J., March 31, 2010

fat people are fat because they don’t care enough to change their diet. Just like with the smoking mentioned above, this is a personal decision. Proof positive of this is every person who has successfully lost weight. The fact that most diets fail reflects on the weak willed people who try to diet rather than the strong willed people who diet successfully. Healthy food costs too much? Skip lunch. Buy some goddamned celery, which takes more calories to digest than it contains. Can’t afford healthy food? get some cambles soup, a dollar a can,, 200 calories per can. Have that for lunch. Go on the “Kambles soup diet” which I just made up right now. Three dollars a day. Six hundred calories in three meals. If that’s still too rich for that over colesterated blood, go on the “I will now drink water instead of soda diet,” which is a one step diet. Replace softdrinks and sugary juices with something that is free to all Americans. Water.
Fat is a choice through apathy. Jesus christ. I want to punch some people in the face. And because I go to the gym, that punch will hurt.

The Ipad. Half Netbook, half phone, half Kindle, mostly useless.

The Ipad’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue these days. Why, I have no idea. Stuck in the awkward position of being a weak laptop, a roided up blackberry, a high functioning kindle, and a bulky telephone, its practical application seems mystifying.
If I want to call someone I’ll use a phone, if I want to go online, I’ll use a laptop, if I want to listen to music I’ll use an Ipod, but what is the use of an Ipad?
in a new York Times article published today, a few possible answers are given. “It’s beyond technology. It’s a culture. It’s a community,” said Rey Gutierrez, a die-hard loyalist with a tattoo of the Apple logo on his left hand, who had waited outside the San Francisco Apple store since 4 a.m.”
OK, so its a cultural statement to buy a computer that fits no nitch. I guess that’s a personal decision. But all the Ipad hysteria seems strange to me. I love the Ipod, the Iphone is nifty, a phone with wonderful applications and enough functionality to serve as a stripped down laptop yet small enough to work as a phone, but the Ipad, with its wish to be all things computer related, is probably going to fail.
Sure, sails are going to spike this month, but I don’t see Apple being able to sustain sails of the device into 2011. Netbooks all the way, in my opinion.
I leave you with this final oddity from the Times article. “We’re totally excited. It’s going to change everything,” Tracy Kahney said while her son, Lyle, 9, fidgeted uncomfortably in the cardboard Ipad costume she had made for him.”
In fact, the Ipad will not change everything. Its going to change everything? I just want to know how someone got themselves into a weird head space. The Ipod changed a lot, so did the Iphone, because now MP3 players and Smartphones are ubiquitus, but the Ipad, is like the retarded child of every portable electronic device that has hit the market in the last five years. Its crack addled, and is going to spend its life first loved, then resented for the hole its burning into its parents pockets, then it’ll die a slow death in fostercare.
This is the times article sited. Its definetly worth a read.