Posts Tagged ‘ the Gospel According to Lary ’

A Boring Gospel. Ho-hum.

I read books which I don’t actually have much desire to read, but I finish them anyway. Call it a testament to useless productivity. Is there such a thing as useless productivity, or is that an oxymoron.
Anyway, the Gospel according to Larry by Janet Tashjian was one of those books. The books about this kid named josh who starts a blog ranting about consumerism. A lot of people start to follow the blog, to the point where Josh is a huge celebrity. Then someone finds out Larry is Josh, and Josh’s life is turned upside down, and I did not care.
Josh is one of those post modern hippy types. He hates big companies because he feels they have an undue influence on the culture. He hates celebrities, hates everything normal America reveres.
Josh’s coming out shatters his life, but not his ideals. Because Josh is already a fully formed character, and because everyone knowing he writes this blog stresses him out but never changes him, the book was merely passable, as apposed to truly enthralling. Josh doesn’t change very much if at all during the course of the book, so I didn’t much care about him as a character. Given that the book is written in first person, and is all about Josh, there isn’t anything else to care about. This was a review I wrote only because I read the book.

Author’s web site.
1 and a half out of five stars.