Posts Tagged ‘ Piracy ’

The problem with Internet Piracy. Its too easy

Lets have a race. Lets see which one of us can get a copy of any movie that’s been in theaters longer than two weeks, any album that’s going to come out within the next three months, and any season or episode of any TV show as long as its kept a fan base after cancellation.

I’ll win. I don’t know where you’ll go to buy it, but I’ll steal it and win.

Well, I won’t really steal anything, but I easily could.

If you go to sites like and type in whatever the hell you want, be it music, TV show or movie, within less than ten seconds you’ll be downloading it. If you wanted to get a free copy of every pink floid album ever from now until the first bit came to your hard drive would be about the time it takes you to open a new tab and type ten words.

If doesn’t have what your looking for, go to Google and type the title in plus the word torrent, and, within ten seconds you’ll have it.

This is the problem facing the entertainment industry today. They’re stupid.

The reason they’re stupid has to do with why people steal media. Partially, of course, its that it saves one a lot of money but the other, and much more significant reason is that its so easy!

Its easier than doing almost anything else. Its two in the morning. I can’t sleep so I’m lying in bed writing this post. It’d be easier and faster for me to download the new Snoop Dogg album than it would be for me to get up and get a drink of water.

Its been this way for almost ten years. And the big media companies are still years behind when it comes to getting it. They remind me of dinosaurs.

Companies such as Hulu, Spotify  and Netflix are a start, but they are hobbled by lack of content. Because what I can steal on the Internet is, well, basically infinite. Almost any piece of entertainment published since Charlie Chaplin with no commercials.

Stealing is not made any less wrong by how easy it is, but this is easier than taking candy from a baby with no hands. This is like not taking money someone’s waving under your nose. Its like falling into a fifty foot deep pool of cash and coming out of it as broke as you went in.

I’m making a prediction. Its general because predictions are too often wrong for me to get cocky. Within the next ten years we are going to see an easement on the ways in which we get content.

The way TV ratings are gathered is quaint. Random people are asked to participate. They are given logbooks and are supposed to write down what they watch. At the end of certain periods all this is collected and then  from this sample neilson decides how many people watched a certain show.

But it is becoming increasingly irrelevant who watched what last night on TV, because if they missed it last night they can steal it today, or, they could have tevoed it or they can look it up on Hulu or Netflix or wait and buy it on DVD.

What I don’t understand is why these businesses have been slow to react.

Congress shares some of the blame. Watch this. I’m about to write some anti-piracy legislation. “the web site is a criminal organization purveying billions of dollars a year in stolen content. It flouts copyright law with contempt and  hereby shall be blocked entirely by all Internet providers in the united states.”  Don’t get all civil liberties on me, we do the same thing for kiddy porn.

Other web sites would replace thepiratebay the minute after the legislation was passed, but when the top album torrents on the site  are almost going gold, the only excuse congress has is… Well, that its congress and is only good at blaming others and sitting on its ass.

Free content is out there, and its probably not going away. Even if we cracked down hard on torrent sites there will be blogs that share content and private networks which will grow through word of mouth. And even if we could eliminate Internet piracy there are still cd burners. Remember those? Way back in the late 90’s and early two thousands, when I still knew how much a CD cost, me and my friends would go to the store, we’d each buy a cd, and then that day we’d burn them all for each other. Technology makes media easy to disseminate.

The only thing the media companies can do is to outslut the pirate bay and the other sites exactly like it. People don’t mind watching commercials, and don’t mind paying reasonable prices for the content they love.

Hulu is a mockery of its illegal competitors because it offers less content at higher prices. People can steal shows, films, and albums they can’t buy. Unreleased projects leak, and thepiratebay doesn’t give a shit about  problems with licensing. Netflix should be larger. I should be able to go on Netflix and watch whatever I want whenever I want. I should be able to pay by the episode or watch it free with advertising.

The reason people don’t steal coffee and bagels from your favorite breakfast place is because its easier to ask the guy behind the counter for “one onion with a large decaf with skim,” than it is to try and run into the kitchen and take it.

Well, right now that’s reversed in the entertainment industry.

I don’t know who you guys are that run these big companies, but I can tell your old. Well, let me tell you something. Everyone under about twenty-five knows what I’m talking about. Stealing is easier than everything except breathing and until you guys figure that out and adapt to how the world is you’ll keep losing money and looking stupid and culture will continue to suffer through its devaluation which your lack of twenty-first century savvy precipitated.