Posts Tagged ‘ me ’

how to feel important and get informed

So I’m officially obsessed with twitter. I love looking at my twitter page and seeing all the new stuff that has come in, because I’m a shallow man, and giving myself a false sense that people are sending *me* information really does fulfill me.
I’m also a news junky, and to my surprise, because the world is usually shit, I’ve found a cool site which has melded both my need to feel falsely important and my love of political news together. It lists the 100 best places to find news on twitter, so if you want to bone up on national events and also have the attentionspan of a natfly, or if you just want some good new twitter accounts to follow for news, check this out.
100 Best Twitter Feeds for All Your News and Know How
you can also find me on twitter at jasonpolaski
and that’s better than all the news in the world.