Posts Tagged ‘ humor ’

Some thoughts on my Current Unemployment

The sad truth about looking for a job is that in many ways its exactly like not looking for a job. 

Consider. Either way, you do not have a job. Either way, you spend your time trying to find a meaningful alternative to working, and like all the restless oldsters who find temp jobs after retirement, you realize there is no such alternative. 

Either way, if you are me, you smoke cigarettes. The difference is that instead of smoking cigarettes while reading David Foster Wallace or Stephen King, I instead smoke cigarettes while reading classified ads. A 

A sort of slow horror grows within me as I realize my utter lack of qualification, its kind of like being stabbed by fifty knives at once, in every vital area. I cannot do that, I can’t do this. I can definitely not do that, and there is no way in hell I can do this! 

Let us say that the main difference between looking for a job and not looking for a job are these. The man who looks for a job and cannot find one has worked futilely, so has logged unpaid hours. He spends the evening disheartened because he has not found what he is looking for. 

Meanwhile, the smugly unemployed does no work and spends the evenings in a type of indolent bliss. 

Against these obstacles, however, I shall not flag. 

To help other job seekers out there I’ve decided to post some of the responses I’ve received to my resume in hopes that others might learn from my mistakes. 

From pope@catholic.god 


Dear Mr. Polaski. 

While we are usually glad to receive interested parties into the priesthood, you are the exception that proves the rule. Your lack of any meaningful moral character, not to mention your lack of belief in a divinity leaves us confused as to why you would apply for this job at all. Your protestations to the contrary, that you do in fact believe in the Father, Son, and the holey spirit, leave us confused, as you are latently contradicting your other writings. 

Furthermore, your required theological essays,, particularly your insistence that Jesus literally meant “treat others as you would like to be treated” in regards to homosexuals, abortionists and users of birth control is not orthodox. Your essay on “judge not lest you be judged” really isn’t even worth going into, it runs so counter to church doctrine. 

So we regretfully must decline your request for seminary membership. 



From. cablenews@tv.bias 


Dear Mr. Polaski 

I am writing in response to the application you submitted to us for the late night position at our channel. I am sorry to say that you are both under and over qualified. 

On the one hand, your grasp of current political issues seems solid, and your positions on the issues of the day nuance and not bound by party lines. This, I regret to say, is a major problem. We like soundbights, quick clips of meaningless dribble. Your pension for historical context and philosophical discussion would muddle and confuse the average viewer. 

Furthermore, you seem out of touch with the current trends of political discourse, more interested in political points than appeasement of the publics need for sensationalism. 

Finally and most damningly, your declaration that you can model your political views to suit the needs of this channel is offensive to us. We only hire people who are orthodox members of the only right and true political party. 

Hope you find something, 



From georgiastatepeachfarm@soil.dirt 

Mr. Polaski 

Thanks for sending us your Resume. Sorry to say, we’re not interested. Though your looks are impressive, I admit, you seem to have the musculature to be a farmer, I get the sense from reading the essay you included for this position that when it gets tough, you get going. 

Farming is a hard business, its hot and backbreaking work. From your essay, I doubt you’d last two days. 

Better luck somewhere else. 


I’m happy to say, however, that amidst this darkness and constant rejection there is one ray of hope. 

The last letter I’m going to share with you is the first positive response I’ve gotten all summer. 



Dear Mr. Polaski 

We were delighted to receive your resume and your color photo! 

First, we must applaud your admission that you have no moral center. Excellent! Flexible morals are a hallmark of this business. 

Second, did we mention the photo? We were particularly impressed by your generic, empty headed good looks, an essential attribute for any congressman. 

You seem to have a sleaze about you, which is good, because we’re all amenable to bribery. If you are a democrat, this will be perfect for you. If you are republican, we hope that you will have no problem having an odd sexual kink, and if not that, then we hope you do not have a problem having an affair with someone either in a subordinate position to your own or someone who is thirty years younger than you are, ideally both at once. 

Your failure to find a job in the last three months, hover is what we are most impressed by. We are a low energy organization! The less we get done a term, the better we feel, and may we say- without getting your hopes up, that we think you would be perfect at doing nothing while saying a lot! 

Finally, your ability to dodge blame by foisting it on other people is just spectacular! We are truly hoping to hear from you when you are old enough to run for office, either party, it doesn’t matter to us! 

Effusively yours, 

the United States Congress 


six things to do before you are drunk off your ass

given that the semester is coming to an end, and thus until finals start drinking is through the roof, I’ve created a list of things one should do before one is drunk, because once you’re drunk, its impossible to 1. get why these things are necessary or 2, have the motor skills to pull them off. 

1. All blunts, cigarettes, spliffs and other smoking devices should be prepared before drinking reaches frantic levels, otherwise lack of motor function will later make this impossible. 

2. If you know you don’t want to sleep with someone, but you know your drunk self wants to sleep with them, before you get drunk, right in sharpy above your genitals, “I hate so and so.” or something worse, like, “this is a drunken mistake.” 

3. Do not bring your cell phone drinking. Whatever awful situation you might find yourself in without a phone, stuck in the middle of nowhere, someone who wants to give you there number but you have no phone, the damage you can do with your phone is much greater. Crazy five grand orders to qbc, (true story,) calling ex’s, calling the strip club, I mean, basically anyone you call while drunk is going to think worse of you in the morning. Your boss doesn’t want to hear how you think he’s the mother fucking… Mother fucking best boss in the entire world, followed by you vomiting onto yourself in the background. Also, phones are broken drunk. 

4. Really, anything you don’t want damaged should be moved before drinking in a group begins. I have seen everything valuable broken because of drinking. Oh, can of beer spilled on the laptop, camera, x-box, hamster, whatever. Windows are not safe either, but I can’t think of a way to safeguard them. 

5. I think that before drinking, everyone should start calling each other faggot. See, every fight between two guys I’ve ever seen seems to stem from some guy going, “fuck you faggot.” but if everyone just called each other faggot, like, “hey, what time is it, faggot, or, dude, that’s a cool shirt, you faggot,” I think the highest cause of belligerent drunken fights would be neutralized. 

6. I think a predesignated place to puke is also a good idea. I had a girl vommit on my sheets a couple of days ago, and I thought, man, if I’d had a trashcanne ready to go that maybe had a little sign, like “upchuck here,” I wouldn’t be doing laundry today. 

Jason goes out with a hammered russian. Awkwardness is the word of the night!

This is something I have written because nothing is going on in the news, I could not think of any funny lists, or any lists at all, and it just happened to me. This is not appropriate for children, or those with a childlike sensibility. You have been warned.

So when I was hanging out in my dorm, reading and smoking, because that’s what I do when no one else is around, when my friend Ivendrago came over. His name isn’t really Ivendrago, but I’m taking a page from Tucker Max’s book and giving him a codename in case someone who knows him reads this, and also because I never asked if I could write this up. But I’m blowing passed that ethical issue because this was hilarious.
So Ivendrago asks me if I want to go out for a couple of beers. I really don’t. I have work to do. I won’t actually end up doing any of this work, but staying home instead of going out drinking leaves me with the fiction that in about five minutes I will stop smoking, reading, tinkering with my stock portfolio and checking twitter and actually do something productive.
Productive. Adjective. Everything I do not normally do.
So I tell Ivendrago this, and he gets sad. The fact that he was really sad at my telling him we should go for beers later in the week should have probably tipped me off to the fact that he’d passed drunk way back at like seven in the morning, but it did not.
So, because he was sad and I was having my one empathetic moment for the year, I went out with him.
First stop, the liquor store, because a couple beers with some food aren’t enough for Ivendrago, and because I was hanging out with him, I was practing the “when in Rome” thing. We need additional alcohol
I should explain my relationship with Ivendrago. I met him about fifteen times last semester. Most times I was arriving at the bar, he was leaving the bar absolutely wasted. I got to recognizing him because of this. We probably had four or five conversations. One angry one about politics, and three where he’d go, “dude, I’m wasted.”
I’d go “Yeah,” and then he’d vomit.
So he lives in my building now,, and I introduced myself this semester and he didn’t remember me because apparently every single time I’d met him he was so drunk he was blacking out. So now we do lunch, which is almost like the real world business lunches I’ve heard so much about except that neither of us are employed and so we have no business to discuss and only one of is us drunk, so its really only one quarter of a business lunch.
So we go to the liquor store, like I said, and I start flirting with the cute liquor store girl, because she’s 1. cute. 2. there. 3. laughed at all of my jokes.
Then Ivendrago starts telling her a long and detailed account of how he recently got a paper excepted into some important scientific conference happening this summer. Props to iven, but the girl at the liquor store did not need to hear the story.
So I sort of say something to interrupt him and to save her from the story, and she tells me she’s not surprised I’m drinking because I’m hanging out with Ivendrago. I don’t know if this means 1. everyone needs to drink to survive such an encounter, or 2. Ivendrago is such a raging alcoholic that all of his friends must also be raging alcoholics.
Right as we finally cash out, the other girl who is working at the liquor store and is not as cute as her friend tells Ivendrago to hurry up and finish buying shit because she has her period. What relevance this has to the speed of our purchasing booze I have no idea, but I’m pretty sure she just wanted him out of there because e the story about him getting published had taken five minutes.
At the mention of period I did nothing and Ivendrago sort of burst into a slow, odd laughter. I tried to dig through the floor in shame. I mean, it was obvious he was laughing because the girl said period. And he wasn’t hiding the fact that he was laughing at her.
I really shouldn’t throw stones, because I once laughed at a Wall mart greeter who had down syndrome, but there were extenuating circumstances that time.
Ivendrago is not heading for the door, and I thought things could not be more awkward. Later that night I would be proven wrong. So I usher Ivendrago out of the liquor store.
“Fuckinng bitch!” he says.
“Right,” I say, having no idea who he’s talking about. “Fucking bitches.”
“Period girl? Well, dude, you did laugh at her.”
“Jason,” Ivendrago says, “You have to learn who to respect in this world and who not to respect. I don’t respect people easily, and she… is a fucking bitch.” He spits into the street and takes a beer from his pocket and I reflect that other people don’t respect him easily either.
I had bought two big cans of fosters at the liquor store and I realize that the single shot of Jinn I took before leaving my dorm would not be enough to make this night bearable, so I also open my beer and we sit on a bench and Ivendrago starts telling me many things which I wasn’t at all sure I wanted to hear.
“I met a girl last weekend.” he says.
“Where? You’re banned from all the bars on campus.” As far as I knew this was true.
“Nope,” he says. “So we start grinding on the dance floor but we’re grinding so hard that the bouncer kicks us out. She was five ten and a hundred and seventy pounds.” I pause for a moment and reflect that his taste in women is abysmal. “I sodomized her,” he says.
“Man, I really do not want to know,” I say. “I just have no desire to learn anything more about this.”
“I think she liked it.” An unwanted mental picture appears in my head and I finish my beer hoping that if I can drink quickly enough I can cause retrograde amnesia to kick in. The sodomy story goes on for quite a while. I will spare you the details.
“I think the man should make all the money in a family,” Ivendrago says. I forgive him this opinion because he was born and raised in Russia. I offer my own opinion, that both people in a marriage should make money, but he is too drunk to hear me.
He starts saying things and I cannot tell if they are profound or idiotic. “You have to live your life every day. Have to live for the moment. I do whatever I want to, because you don’t know if you’ll be alive tomorrow.” My thoughts are 1. yes this makes sense. 2. but on the other hand its Monday and your sloppily drunk on a bench at eight at night.
He starts going on, telling me that he’s had twenty-three women, which I doubt, and some other crazy shit. I have adapted my policy of communication. I now only respond to Ivendrago with conditional statements like “maybe, perhaps, possible, that could be,” he does not notice.
We go to the one restaurant on campus Ivendrago has not been kicked out of. He’s wasted, I’m no where near drunk, and am regretting this hole thing. Damn my empathy.
He walks behind the counter and starts telling the Indian guy manning it how he’s getting published. Now I should say the Indian guy isn’t actually from India he has no accent and speaks perfect English. “Published,” says Ivendrago slowly. “You know what published means?” Oh, god in heaven, shoot me now.
Ivendrago comes back to the table, crashing into someone waiting in line as he does. The guy starts yelling at Iven, but Iven is too drunk to even notice. “Did you order?” I ask, because I really need another beer if I’m going to deal with this shit. Also, the quicker we eat, the quicker I can extract Iven from this situation, and with him, the tatters of my dignity.
He begins to tell me about a felony he got charged with, and I realize that I have no desire to be where I am whatsoever. “This guy was making fun of me, my girlfriend and my country!” Well was a buck seventy, I think, I would make fun of her too, and as for the country, its Russia so I would also make fun of the country.
“So I broke a bottle over his head and then I kneed him in the face ot. He broke the bone behind my eyebrow.”
“Cool,” I say, because I think this is the response that he wants.
“It was not cool at all,” he says. He now has a thick Russian accent. I also realize something I would have realized five minutes ago if I’d given him my full attention. He is almost screaming.
He is so loud that every other customer in the place has either stopped there conversation to listen to ours or are talking about the crazy Russian sitting across from the uncomfortable looking preppy.
I need an Ivendrago break. I go outside for a cigarette. “Hey,” a cute girl says to me, and I am trying to figure out how I know her. “You want a ride out of here?” she says.
I stop trying to figure out how I know her, and bow my head. God exists, and he’s getting me out of here.
“Sweet Jesus, yes!”
“OK,” says Angel. Her name is not angel, but she also gets a codename. Fuck it, I don’t actually know her, she doesn’t need one. Her name is Miranda.
“When your food comes, I’ll come over.”
“Thanks,” I say.
I go back inside just in time to stop Ivendrago from getting another felony charge. He has cut the line to yell about the order he turned out never to have place. “You,” he says to the guy behind the counter. “Are an ass hole. An ass hole.” The guys starting to get heated, and Iven is about a second away from making his codename a hole lot more accurate.
I manage to calm everything down and I finally get my beer which is 1. not that good and two, expensive.
I pound.
“My boss loves me.”
“I’m sure,” I say, and the table behind us laughs.
“He is fifty-three.”
“A man of the world,” I say and now two tables are laughing.
“He introduced me to his family,” he says.
“I feel for them,” I say, and I have my own laugh track.
I don’t feel bad about this because we are now having two conversations. He is so drunk I’m pretty sure he has lost the ability to hear what I am saying.
Our food arrives and I go up on the pretense of getting napkins. “I am so, so, sorry,” I say to the guy behind the counter.
He bursts into laughter, and I picture Ivendrago beating the shit out of him. I get my napkins and start looking for the Angel, and I wonder if she’s gotten fed up and has abandoned me.
Ivendrago takes my ranch dressing and drinks it.
The angel comes over. “Oh, my god, Jason?” she says, as though this is one big coincidence.
“Hey!” I say, as though I actually know her. “You weren’t in class today,” I say, and we have no class’s together at all.
“I know,” she says, “I overslept. Hey, you want to come to my place?”
“What?” Ivendrago says, having finally caught up to the conversation.
“Sure,” I say.
“Where’s your place?” Ivendrago asks.
“Down the road, but only Jason is coming.” She says this like its a booty call, bless her fucking heart.
“I’ll see you say,” as I’m leaving.
We are out in the parking lot when I hear a crash, cursing, more cursing from someone else, Iven yelling at someone. He comes out into the parking lot. Angel laughs and slows down. We are five feet from her car. I think she wants to see what’s going to happen. She is holding her keys in her hand. I take them, hop into the passenger side, lean over, and start the car.
“Jason?” Iven asks, and I get my first feeling of guilt. I step on it.
“For the love of god,” I say, drive!
She does. She drops’s me off at my place, I get her number, and then go inside and listen to a wonderful sound. Silence.

Bring it back! Five things from earlier times which need to be brought back in a big way!

Our modern society is better than previous societies. We’re more civilized, less violent, cleaner, less racist, and men and women are more equal in the workplace than ever before. However, I think we’ve abandoned some things from the past without call to do so. Below is the list of things I think should be brought back in a big way.

1. The beard. I mean, c’mon. The beard used to be an arcitipe of virility. It separated those with the genetic propensity to grow a lot of facial hair from those girly men who did not have this propensity. I thought it was coming back in the eighties, but I was wrong. A man with a beard is having a dialogue with the world. Even when his mouth is shut, his chin is saying, “Don’t Fuck with me!”

2. The word did. “You dig it?” “Its expensive, you dig?” I just think this word should make a comeback. These days the only times you encounter the word dig is in novels by Stephen King and from ex hippies. So bring dig back, you dig?

3. Drinking in the afternoon. God, why did we ever let this one go? These days you get the evil eye if you order a highball before dinnertime. But what can take the edge off in the middle of the day like a gin and tonic? Nothing.

4. The cigarette holder. This one’s just practical, because it allows hands free smoking. Think of it as the ancestor to the earphones that are sold with mobile phones these days. You can have the cigarette holder in the corner of your mouth and avoid breathing cigarette smoke while you talk on the phone, open a door or type on a computer. Bring it back. Let out your internal fdr!

5. Political correctness. Some people are crazy, and some people are just ass holes, but in our age of modulated language, everyone, no matter how stupid, mean spirited or just plain wrong gets their fair say. I think sometimes people just have to be shot down publicly. I want to see a New-York times editorial like this. “Iranian president says more stupid things.” So bring it back. If someone’s a dick, let them know it.

Polaski on Polaski. Either Gay sex with my twin, or an interview with myself.

I was lucky enough to get the chance to sit down with Jason Polaski for an interview. He usually doesn’t give interviews, but it helps that we’re the same person. I have indulged in the ultimate act of arrogance. I have interviewed myself, and the really sick thing is that I actually enjoyed it a lot, I babbled on to myself for quite a while. The interview’s below. Jason asks the questions, Polaski answers them.

Jason. So, how bout you introduce yourself.
Polaski. This is stupid as shit. Its a gimmick.

Jason. Yeah, but its your gimmick, so why don’t you go ahead.
Polaski. This is a goddamned stupid thing to do, but ok. I’m Jason Polaski, I go to college at the university of Connecticut, and I’ve started a bblog.

Jason. Speaking of that, what’s up with the blog anyway? Whose going to read it?
Polaski. That’s what I’m trying to find out. You hear about these guys who get millions of hits every day, and they aren’t even famous or good looking, at least, they weren’t famous before they had a blog. Its just Joe shmow, or Jill Shmill, for that matter, and they decided to post about begonia’s or there yeast infection or politics or books or whatever and suddenly they have this huge following. I wanted to see if starting from absolutely nothing I could achieve something like that, or at least modest success.

Jason. So what’s the blog about.
Polaski. Search me.

Jason. No, seriously.
Polaski. Seriously, I have no idea. The title of it is Pages and Rages, because I read a lot of books and get pissed off about a lot of stuff, and because those two things are the most prevalent things in my intellectual life, I figured it was a natural starting point. But honestly, if I spend more than fifteen minutes thinking about it, I’ll probably end up posting it. Whatever occupies my interest will be blogged about which cuts down on the blog’s coherency, but will keep me amused.

Jason. So what’s the reaction been like so far?
Polaski. Shit. Seriously, I’m about to pull a Phoebe Prince.

Jason. Right. So lets get to the personal stuff. You got any religious views.
Polaski. Yeah, but they aren’t flattering.

Jason. Can you elaborate on that?
Polaski. Its all shit. Its all just a big mythology, doesn’t matter what the religion is.

Jason. So you hate religious people.
Polaski. Not at all, some religious people are nice, some of them are friends of mine. I just view the entire thing… Like model trains. Some people go nuts over model trains. They have entire countries of model trains, schedules, different engines. They go down to the basement and tinker with the things. When they ask me if I want to take a look, I do, but just a look. I’m not going to go look at model trains all the time, because that’s not my thing. I respect there interest, even if I think its a little weird, but its just a part of there life I don’t really care to be involved in. That’s basically how I feel about religion.

Jason. OK, political views.
Polaski. Somewhere between a rightward leaning fiscal conservative and a leftward leaning social democrat. I hate the moral majority, hate the socialists claiming to be democrats. Its complicated. Sort of libertarian, but some libertarians are also crazy. Economically, I’m pretty conservative, I want low taxes, free markets, that kind of thing, but socially, I want really the same thing. The government to allow any action that doesn’t hurt anyone. I’m for legalization of pot, guns, abortion the death penalty and I really hope that smoking indoors is brought back before next winter.

Jason. So sort of libertarian.
Polaski. Yeah, in a lot of ways. The government should stay out of a lot of things. Mairage, for example. Its not the governments business who marries who, or whose fucking whom. It shouldn’t be a concern. I also think the government shouldn’t be fucking about with companies too much. Corporate taxes should be low, and regulations should be made to address a need, not to craft policy. Companies shouldn’t be allowed to hurt people, by poisoning the environment or starting monopolies, but they shouldn’t be gelded just to appease the spirit of Ted Kennedy. But I also think a lot of spending is extremely vital in certain area’s like defense and education, which a lot of libertarians will disagree with. I think the government should be very involved in some things, and really leave other’s alone.

Jason. Got a favorite brand of cigarette?
Polaski. Anything without a filter, or newports. I smoke a pipe, cigars, and hookah. Really, if it burns and has nicotine, I’m down.

Jason. Favorite drink?
Polaski. Beer, either Coors or Guinness, anything cheap on tap. Gin and tonic, good red wine. I hate shots of straight liquor, but always end up pounding them anyway.

Jason. What do you like for music.
Polaski. Mainly shitty rap. I love going to clubs and listening to awful rap music, it sets the perfect atmosphere for what I’m looking for.

Jason. And what’s that?
Polaski. No comment.

Jason. Any other music you’re into besides rap?
Polaski. I’m really digging a lot of classical lately. Bach’s the shit, can’t go wrong with anything by Bach. Vivaldi, similarly is great. Beethoven is also solid. Handle, Montiverty, and lately I’ve been listening to a lot of misorski.

Jason. OK, so part of your blog is about books, what do you read?
Polaski. Honestly, I’ll read anything. Its a matter of what I can get my hands on. I was stuck reading books written before 1950 a year or so ago, so I read them. But if have my choice, a lot of science fiction and fantasy, and a lot of biography and history. Some mystery, some other random stuff that doesn’t necessarily have a category.

Jason. Any final remarks?
Polaski. Read the blog. Tell your friends. Make me rich. I’m on twitter as Jasonpolaski, follow me there for pithy updates

Jason. Thank’s for the interview.
Polaski. Shut up, jackass, this is the beginning of multiple personality disorder. It creeps me out.

the coolest kids on twitter, ten reasons why its a barren landscape of shit

I recently got twitter. Why, I don’t know, but its proven addictive. I’ve added pundits, comedians and friends to the list of people I follow and have been informed and amused, also have wasted a lot of time. I found a sight that lets me keep track of the most popular people on twitter, the sight shows who has the most followers, and the results are depressing. It seems that everyone who might have funny micro bursts to throw out onto the Internet isn’t actually popular.
The top ten list is as follows.
1. Ashton Kutcher. I was hoping this would be one of those things where I was shocked by how witty and interesting Kutcher’s life was through profound or funny tweets, but its not, just a bunch of confusing conversations with other people who I assume are famous and babble about earth hour. Yawn.
2. Britney Spears. Oh, god, Britany writing and sharing it with the public. I thought the few songs she helped write would have put an end to that idea. Maybe this way she won’t have another kid, she’ll be too busy trying to look up the definition of “the” in the dictionary.
3. The Ellen show. What, being live on TV every day for an hour isn’t good enough?
4. Barack Obama. You better have many more important things to do than tweet. Even a publicist should be doing something more worthwhile.
5. Lady Gaga. second person who isn’t straight on the top ten. Yayh diversity.
6. Oprah. More daytime TV on twitter. Jesus god.
7. Kim Kardashian. This makes sense. She needs to have a quick way of leaking the next sex tape as quick as possible. When you aren’t fucking on camera, what’s your job? What do you do? I care so little that I don’t even feel like wikipediaing it.
8. John Mayer. Stay out of my head, John!
9. Twitter. How medda.
10. Ryan Seacrest. Ah, the personification of douche.

Its a combination of high school, where the pretty people were most popular, and some sort of youth retreat, where people like Ellen and Oprah were popular for being nice. Oh, god, shoot me in the face.

five things I deem as no longer nnecessary

Humanity has invented a lot of great shit over the years. Printing press, the car, the cigarette, the television, the telephone, penicillin, the list goes on and on. But I’ve been thinking about it and I’ve decided that some things have to go, because either they were never necessary in the first place, or they are not necessary today.

1. The penny.
Why it has to go. It now costs more to make a penny than the value of the coin itself. To mint a penny costs about 1.5 cents, which makes absolutely no sense at all. Minting a coin above its actual value. Well, its just throwing pennies down the drain.
What to do with it until it goes.
1. Melt it down for the value of the copper.
2. Use them to try and derail trains.

2. The coffin.
Why it has to go. Coffins are usually wood. Wood rots in the ground, coffins are in the ground, therefore, much like the bodies they hold, coffins eventually decay. See, a coffins just a big kick in the balls to the grieving families of the recently deceased. Your father dies, and in addition to that suckage, you now have to sell out about a grand to throw him into a wooden box which is going to rot away pretty soon anyway. Useless expense and a waste of trees. Save a tree, get cremated.
. Use it as a trunk. Holds more than a suitcase and most people will be to squeamish to open it, making your stuff much safer while traveling.
2. If you want to be real alternative, Goth, or badass, use it as a bed. Who would fuck with someone who admits to sleeping in a coffin?
3. Disassemble it and make a table. That, or take the top lid off and you get a free door.
3. Stuffed animals. Ever own a stuffed dog? Stuffed cat? Stuffed fish? Stuffed rabbit? Stuffed bird of some form? Well, if you did, or still do, I have news for you. In the world today, you can go out and buy, for almost the same price, rabbits, birds, dogs and cats and fish. We have millions of dogs with no homes getting put to sleep, and people go out and buy stuffed dogs? Seems weird to me. Buying a fake animal when you could have the real thing. Sure, the cost of caring for an animal is a little higher, but I’ve decided that people who own stuffed animals are like fat people who drink diet soda. Posers. Stuffed bares and tigers are still allowed to exist because those animals are too dangerous for people to own.
What to do with them until their gone.
1. Use them as pillows
2. Drug smuggling. Cut open a stuffed dog, throw a pound of coke into the place where stuffing used to be, and if your lucky, no one gives it a second glance. Try doing the same to a real dog and people will look because the real dog will now be dead and thus an awful way to smuggle anything.

4. Decafinated coffee, herbal cigarettes.
Things to pretend to be what they aren’t. If you don’t want as much caffeine, drink tea, or water. If you don’t want to die of cancer, quit smoking, but don’t pretend to be smoking or drinking when you can’t handle it.
what to do with these things until they’re gone.
1. Nothing.
5. Belts.
why they need to go. With obesity on the rise in this country, most people are too fat to need belts, and thin people should be wearing tight pants to show off the fact that they’re thin. We can keep belt buckles as a fashion accessory, but the belts themselves should go. Buy pants with the right sized waste, its not rocket science. When you lose weight, buy new pants. I mean, how stupid is the phrase, “I think you need a belt with those?” You don’t need a belt, you just need a smaller sized pair of pants.
what to do with them until they’re gone.
Use them as restraints, whips, or as a holder for your multiple pairs of glass’s.
6. Speaking of which. prescription glass’s. Get contacts, idiots.
Alternative uses until their gone. Killing ants.
7. escalators.
Seriously? I have no idea how this ever happened. If your in a rush, run up the stairs! If you have a physical problem that makes it so you can’t take the stairs, an escalator probably won’t help you.
Alternative uses until their gone. Run them backwards and you have a communal stair master.

you know you have a serious adiction to nicotine if…

1. you smoke more than a pack a day.
2. You have become adept at lighting one cigarette off the butt of the last.
3. if you have sold things more important than cigarettes to buy cigarettes. These sold items include.
1. schoolbooks.
2. sexual favors.
3. hair.
4. clothing.
5. organs.
6. an ipod.
4. you roll cigarettes from the contents of your ashtray.
5. you have rolled cigarettes with newspaper and then tried to justify this as no big deal at all.
6. You have, at one point, panhandled for cigarette money
7. You have bought cigarettes with dimes and pennies
8. you have tried to snort the ashes in your ashtray.
9. lacking enough money for a pack of cigarettes, you buy chewing tabbaco or dip instead.
10. You dip or chew in public, even though you look like an antiquated freak.
11. You tell yourself that you cannot go outside without a cigarette.
12. When confronted with the choice of either buying food or smokes, you don’t see a choice at all.
13. you stop midcoitis because you decide you need a cigarette.
14. You argue with the person that you are sleeping with, explaining that 13 was a perfectly reasonable thing to do, and that they would understand if they were a smoker.
15. You feel a thrill whenever you turn a nonsmoker into a smoker.
16. you can roll a cigarette
1. in a car
2. in the rain
3. while drunk.
4. while really drunk.
5. while puking from being drunk.
6. while smoking.
7. with one hand.
18. If, once, while trying to quit smoking, you told the waitrous at your local pizza place that lunch could not possibley cost fifteen dollars and especially because the waitrous was ugly and abracive.
19. If, while trying to quit smoking, you lean towards people who do smoke and try to snort up secondhand smoke.
20. If out of cigarettes you feel that life may just not be worth risking at all.
21. If you view lung cancer as an eventual impediment to further smoking.

why I would like to be a caveman and why I would not like to be a caveman

reasons for wanting to be a caveman

1. conflict resolution would be easy. No complicated arguments, no subtext, no implication. If I were pissed at someone, I could just smash them in the face with a big rock and that’d be it.

2. I could be the wittiest caveman around. I’d know jokes none of the other cavemen knew. Why did the chicken cross the road?” I’d ask.

   What’s a chicken?” they’d  say, “and what’s a road.

3. Fashion wouldn’t be much of an issue. One bloody rotting mamoth skin looks much like another, and cavemen probably didn’t worry about acne and shit with those browridges they were all ugly anyway.

4. If I w were a caveman,, I would never have to clean anything again,, except for maybe animal skins.

reasons against.

1. no booze.

2. No cigarettes.

I have decided not to be a caveman.