Posts Tagged ‘ George Zimmerman ’

Murdered Teen, Police Chief really not too worried says he’ll deal with it at some point later on. Some thoughts on George Zimmerman… the Prick

Sometimes I really hate the world. A few weeks ago in Florida a seventeen year old was walking back to his fathers house from buying a pack of skiddles when he was shot by a neighborhood watchman. The watchman, George Zimmerman, called police to tell them the boy looked suspicious. The cops, responding to the call told Zimmerman they were sending officers to go fuck up this kids day and that Zimmerman should not get out of his car to engage the suspect.

Ignoring this order, Zimmerman got out of the car, somehow this turned into the two scuffling, and then Zimmerman, who was carrying a gun, shot the youth and was not arrested.

This is why my last post was about HBO killing horses.

Naturally the police chief of the  small city of Sandford where this all took place was asked why Zimmerman was not arrested and he said the reason this guy hasn’t been put in jail is because there is no probable cause.

Dead teenager? Neighborhood watchman who it appears killed teenager? No probable cause. Why?

Well, it has something to do with Florida’s self-defense laws which are referred to as “stand your ground.” In principle this is a good thing. In many states if you are feeling physically threatened outside of your home legally what you are supposed to do is run away like a little bitch. This is a problem. If for example someone says, “I’m gunna rob you,”

And you then say “No you aren’t” and then you shoot your attempted robber, in some states this would mean there’s a possibility you’ll go to prison for murder which is idiotic because it insentivises robbery. If your thinking as someone’s robbing you, I would try and beat the crap out of this guy but if I do I might go to prison for ten years, you’ll be less likely to try and beat him up and he then will be more likely to have a new ipod and your petty cash.

If on the other hand it can be proved he was trying to rob you which is why you shot him and the court says the legal equivalent of “well, he was trying to rob you, we get it,” this is not a problem because robbery is wrong.

The thing to keep in mind is that scum  that mug people should be scared of there mugger blowing them away or stabbing them or at least macing them and then kicking them in the balls.. You don’t see NBA get jacked up for there chains because they’d just pop your fucking head off like the bit of toothpaste that clogs the toob when you leave the cap off.

To get back to Zimmerman and Florida.

What happened in this case was not anything like that. George followed the highschooler in his car then called the cops and then even though what they said to him was “George, ok, stay in your car, we’re sending someone,” he got out of his car and started some neighborhood watch bullshit.

All this kid had in his pockets was money and skiddles. We know this because that’s what the fucking medical examiner took out of the pockets of his corpse. George Zimmerman had a gun.

Zimmerman outways the now dead kid by a significant amount, look at pictures of the two, and the other  key point is this is a confrontation that Zimmerman looked for. If he hadn’t followed a suspicious teenager, said teenager would have walked home and eaten his skiddles and probably done some homework and listened to some music and I wouldn’t be sitting here writing a blogpost on it.

I don’t think I should have to point out that if one person has a gun and the other doesn’t, the person with the gun shouldn’t ever really feel threatened because all he has to do is pull out his gun and go, “hey ass hole, step back or I’m gunna remove the upper half of your face.” If things really had gotten bad, Zimmerman could have done this. If one person has a gun, he shouldn’t be able to claim that he fired on someone who did not have a gun in self-defense unless that person was Wolverine. If he had been getting his ass kicked by a high school student he also could have done two things which would have left them both alive. Shot him in the stomach which is generally nonfatal, or, ran back to his car and then driven away. He didn’t do either of these.

Another reason cited by the stupid ass cops involved in this case for why George Zimmerman hasn’t been arrested is that he has   a “squeaky clean record.” This is a lie. Zimmerman was arrested in 2005 for beating up a cop while resisting arrest. Not squeaky clean. Compared to Zimmerman, my criminal record which doesn’t exist in any way shape or form is squeaky clean. His, because it exists, is not, yet he hasn’t been arrested.

The witnesses who were interviewed by the papers say they heard a struggle, Martin begging and then a gunshot. That’s from multiple accounts. Witnesses further say that cops prompted them during interrogation, “don’t  you mean,” and that the interviews were cursory. The cops obviously deny this.

Now lets bring race into it. The kids black. Zimmerman isn’t. Zimmerman thought he was suspicious. Suspiciously walking? Lets parse through this complicated code. Black. It means black and it means Zimmerman was obviously racist or crazy, I can’t tell which because I don’t know him. But that’s what’s happened here. As many people have already pointed out if Zimmerman had been black and trayvon Martin had been white, the black dude would have been in jail while the unarmed teen he shot in the chest was still showing brainwave activity.  Anyone surprised? How many fucking times are we going to have to read these stories? Black dude reaches for wallet shot four thousand times by police. I’m not even surprised. That’s the awful part. None of this shocks me. Its Florida, its a little city, black kids shot, police chief obviously doesn’t give a shit, right. Business as usual.

If the cops did give a shit they’d arrest this guy on pretext. Because right now there isn’t anything stopping Zimmerman from getting on a plain and flying to some country where we can’t extradite him.

And if he’s smart that’s what he’s going to do because eventually someone federals going to be sent down there whereupon Zimmerman will be arrested and tried and hopefully convicted. Also, this is why having a federal bureau of investigations is a good thing, so take note Ron Paul supporters, if there wasn’t an FBI, this would be handled by the police chief whose handling it so well right now and the case would be closed next Friday.

This isn’t that stupid thing from a few years ago where someone put a nuse on a flagpole and people had a discussion on racism or whatever. This is some kid that we basically know some guy shot in the chest and the reason he’s not been arrested is that there isn’t probable cause? Shot in chest. Check his fucking gun. Why wasn’t he pulled in twenty minutes after this happened so the cops could look for powder residue on Zimmerman’s hands? Why wasn’t he put into a little room for three days with no cigarettes or sleep and hounded until he admitted what really happened?

Witnesses told police Zimmerman had blood covering his chest, which is most likely… You know what, fuck this most likely shit, if I’m going to make inferences about something I wasn’t there for I’m just going to make them.

Witnesses say what they saw was Zimmerman get out of his car, the two fight, and the kid beg for his life and Zimmerman shoot him. So Zimmerman has this teens blood on his chest, probably has a bullet missing from his clip, has powder on his hands because that’s what happens when you shoot someone, and no one pulls him in.

Now what happens?

Well, if I’d just murdered someone and through wonderful luck from my perspective was not arrested I’d go home, I’d bash the gun I owned down to gravel, throw that in the ocean miles out so it could never ever wash back to the coast, and then I’d take my bloody clothes and I’d burn them and then I’d run the fuck to Uruguay which would be a shitty place to live but they won’t extradite to the united states so I couldn’t ever be tried for murder. Why he hasn’t done this yet I can’t figure.

Now lets dissect this a little more. Because I want to know what “looks suspicious” means. Black. Black black in hoody, black walking with headphones on. Or, black kid selling a bag of pot to someone, I can’t figure it out. I’m thinking about it now and I dunno how someone looks suspicious while walking alone. It either means they look like they’re about to engage in a drug deal, have a black mask on and a paper bag full of money, or are like stroking there fucking beard and cackling. And if this kid was doing any of those things, and this prick saw him, what he should have done is stayed in the car and let the police handle it. Instead he shot him. And is still just chillin in Florida.

You know what I think is suspicious? A twenty-eight year old man who should have other shit to do following a kid in his car, then getting out of the car, starting a fight with someone eleven years younger than him who just went to go buy some fucking skiddles, and then shooting this kid in the chest and…. Not being arrested! That’s what fucking really gets me. That’s why I called this blog pages and rages. For when I am enraged, like I am now.

I admit that perhaps. And by perhaps I mean it is a possibility because there isn’t a video of this hole thing, perhaps the kid was selling some pot or pimping out fifteen Asian girls imported from the Philippines he had chained up in a shed, and perhaps Zimmerman couldn’t contain his rage and shot him. Perhaps the kids a secret martial arts master and it was really Zimmerman witnesses heard begging not to get the death chop and this kid caught five bullets in his teeth and only the sixth got him. And perhaps Zimmerman didn’t murder this kid. Somehow. I dunno how that would work but its innocent until proven guilty. But what we have is a dead kid, a guy placed at the scene and that guy is not arrested. That is what I call suspicious.

And while I’m on the subject of things that piss me off people keep telling me not to swear in my blog. Like its all unprofessional and shit. Well the difference between a blogger and a reporter is the reporter has to be like “the alleged shooting and the suspect and blah blah, and we can’t be sure and this is very sad,” and they say very sad while not looking very sad because there life is looking at very sad things and so they are desensitized to it like people who work in the Holocaust museum.

Well, I’m not that dude. I write a shit ass blog that no one reads and from the bottom of my heart I want to give a big fuck you to all involved in this shit. Because even if  Zimmerman turns out to be innocent he should have been put in jail on general principles of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is what gets me. These people are actively making the world a worse place by not doing that. They are the reason this shit keeps happening.  He’s a flight risk! He could leave right now! And the fact that he’s not worried enough to get the fuck out of the country is what really has me disgusted.