Posts Tagged ‘ cavemen ’

why I would like to be a caveman and why I would not like to be a caveman

reasons for wanting to be a caveman

1. conflict resolution would be easy. No complicated arguments, no subtext, no implication. If I were pissed at someone, I could just smash them in the face with a big rock and that’d be it.

2. I could be the wittiest caveman around. I’d know jokes none of the other cavemen knew. Why did the chicken cross the road?” I’d ask.

   What’s a chicken?” they’d  say, “and what’s a road.

3. Fashion wouldn’t be much of an issue. One bloody rotting mamoth skin looks much like another, and cavemen probably didn’t worry about acne and shit with those browridges they were all ugly anyway.

4. If I w were a caveman,, I would never have to clean anything again,, except for maybe animal skins.

reasons against.

1. no booze.

2. No cigarettes.

I have decided not to be a caveman.