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five things I deem as no longer nnecessary

Humanity has invented a lot of great shit over the years. Printing press, the car, the cigarette, the television, the telephone, penicillin, the list goes on and on. But I’ve been thinking about it and I’ve decided that some things have to go, because either they were never necessary in the first place, or they are not necessary today.

1. The penny.
Why it has to go. It now costs more to make a penny than the value of the coin itself. To mint a penny costs about 1.5 cents, which makes absolutely no sense at all. Minting a coin above its actual value. Well, its just throwing pennies down the drain.
What to do with it until it goes.
1. Melt it down for the value of the copper.
2. Use them to try and derail trains.

2. The coffin.
Why it has to go. Coffins are usually wood. Wood rots in the ground, coffins are in the ground, therefore, much like the bodies they hold, coffins eventually decay. See, a coffins just a big kick in the balls to the grieving families of the recently deceased. Your father dies, and in addition to that suckage, you now have to sell out about a grand to throw him into a wooden box which is going to rot away pretty soon anyway. Useless expense and a waste of trees. Save a tree, get cremated.
. Use it as a trunk. Holds more than a suitcase and most people will be to squeamish to open it, making your stuff much safer while traveling.
2. If you want to be real alternative, Goth, or badass, use it as a bed. Who would fuck with someone who admits to sleeping in a coffin?
3. Disassemble it and make a table. That, or take the top lid off and you get a free door.
3. Stuffed animals. Ever own a stuffed dog? Stuffed cat? Stuffed fish? Stuffed rabbit? Stuffed bird of some form? Well, if you did, or still do, I have news for you. In the world today, you can go out and buy, for almost the same price, rabbits, birds, dogs and cats and fish. We have millions of dogs with no homes getting put to sleep, and people go out and buy stuffed dogs? Seems weird to me. Buying a fake animal when you could have the real thing. Sure, the cost of caring for an animal is a little higher, but I’ve decided that people who own stuffed animals are like fat people who drink diet soda. Posers. Stuffed bares and tigers are still allowed to exist because those animals are too dangerous for people to own.
What to do with them until their gone.
1. Use them as pillows
2. Drug smuggling. Cut open a stuffed dog, throw a pound of coke into the place where stuffing used to be, and if your lucky, no one gives it a second glance. Try doing the same to a real dog and people will look because the real dog will now be dead and thus an awful way to smuggle anything.

4. Decafinated coffee, herbal cigarettes.
Things to pretend to be what they aren’t. If you don’t want as much caffeine, drink tea, or water. If you don’t want to die of cancer, quit smoking, but don’t pretend to be smoking or drinking when you can’t handle it.
what to do with these things until they’re gone.
1. Nothing.
5. Belts.
why they need to go. With obesity on the rise in this country, most people are too fat to need belts, and thin people should be wearing tight pants to show off the fact that they’re thin. We can keep belt buckles as a fashion accessory, but the belts themselves should go. Buy pants with the right sized waste, its not rocket science. When you lose weight, buy new pants. I mean, how stupid is the phrase, “I think you need a belt with those?” You don’t need a belt, you just need a smaller sized pair of pants.
what to do with them until they’re gone.
Use them as restraints, whips, or as a holder for your multiple pairs of glass’s.
6. Speaking of which. prescription glass’s. Get contacts, idiots.
Alternative uses until their gone. Killing ants.
7. escalators.
Seriously? I have no idea how this ever happened. If your in a rush, run up the stairs! If you have a physical problem that makes it so you can’t take the stairs, an escalator probably won’t help you.
Alternative uses until their gone. Run them backwards and you have a communal stair master.

how the internet eats through all my time

The Internet is a wonderful thing. Because of it, pornography, movie reviews, football scores, workarounds to college level research papers, and much more are at my fingertips. When I’m not using it for those things, however, there are sights that will suck me in and waste all of my precious time. In order of time wasted, here they are.


Ah, wikipedia, how much useless information you’ve taught me. I admit it, I’m a wikipedia junky. I read articles on everything going on around me, and glean just enough from these articles to make myself feel productive. If I’m sitting in a chair, suddenly I feel like its very important to spend the next ten minutes reading the article about chairs. The article begins. ”

A chair is a raised surface used to sit on.” No shit. I mean, seriously, why does this article exist? If you’re reading wikipedia, you are probably in a chair already. I want to edit the article to say. “Stand, turn around, look, chair.”

If I watch a movie, I feel that its ascentialto read the article about it. like I’ll come to a deeper understanding of the work by reading the badly written plot summary. Nothing more depressing than reading a half coherent plot summary for a movie you really hated in the first place. Not to mention that wikipedia is an invaluable aid for writing every paper I’ve been assigned since freshman year, but all in all, it wastes my time.

2. Oh, the sweet witticisms of my brothers in sisters in debauchery. Some texts remind me of nights I’ve had, some remind me why people should never drink, some remind me that half of the world should be shot, some make me jealous as Fuck. But all of them, unfortunately, waste my goddamned precious time.

3. A sight collecting interviews with celebrities, quirky rants, book, music, and film reviews, I spend more time on this sight reading about albums I’ll never listen to, books I’ll never read and movies I’ll never watch than I do actually watching, listening to, or reading anything that the sight does review. For some reason I feel like I gain something from being able to speak authoritatively about the books I haven’t actually cracked open or the movies I’ve never sat through.

4. Its a game that tests your vocabulary, and for every word you get right, seven grains of rice are sold as bribes to an African warlord, two are lost, and one is given to starving people in awful countries. yay. Wasting time and money simultaneously.

5. facebook. I really don’t need to give the address to this one. Oh, how it warms my heart to read the status updates of people I said about fifteen words to all through high school, but now we’re linked in a cycle of mutual vague curiosity. I don’t care that someone just got a cow in Farmville, but for some reason, I keep logging in.

you know you have a serious adiction to nicotine if…

1. you smoke more than a pack a day.
2. You have become adept at lighting one cigarette off the butt of the last.
3. if you have sold things more important than cigarettes to buy cigarettes. These sold items include.
1. schoolbooks.
2. sexual favors.
3. hair.
4. clothing.
5. organs.
6. an ipod.
4. you roll cigarettes from the contents of your ashtray.
5. you have rolled cigarettes with newspaper and then tried to justify this as no big deal at all.
6. You have, at one point, panhandled for cigarette money
7. You have bought cigarettes with dimes and pennies
8. you have tried to snort the ashes in your ashtray.
9. lacking enough money for a pack of cigarettes, you buy chewing tabbaco or dip instead.
10. You dip or chew in public, even though you look like an antiquated freak.
11. You tell yourself that you cannot go outside without a cigarette.
12. When confronted with the choice of either buying food or smokes, you don’t see a choice at all.
13. you stop midcoitis because you decide you need a cigarette.
14. You argue with the person that you are sleeping with, explaining that 13 was a perfectly reasonable thing to do, and that they would understand if they were a smoker.
15. You feel a thrill whenever you turn a nonsmoker into a smoker.
16. you can roll a cigarette
1. in a car
2. in the rain
3. while drunk.
4. while really drunk.
5. while puking from being drunk.
6. while smoking.
7. with one hand.
18. If, once, while trying to quit smoking, you told the waitrous at your local pizza place that lunch could not possibley cost fifteen dollars and especially because the waitrous was ugly and abracive.
19. If, while trying to quit smoking, you lean towards people who do smoke and try to snort up secondhand smoke.
20. If out of cigarettes you feel that life may just not be worth risking at all.
21. If you view lung cancer as an eventual impediment to further smoking.

why I would like to be a caveman and why I would not like to be a caveman

reasons for wanting to be a caveman

1. conflict resolution would be easy. No complicated arguments, no subtext, no implication. If I were pissed at someone, I could just smash them in the face with a big rock and that’d be it.

2. I could be the wittiest caveman around. I’d know jokes none of the other cavemen knew. Why did the chicken cross the road?” I’d ask.

   What’s a chicken?” they’d  say, “and what’s a road.

3. Fashion wouldn’t be much of an issue. One bloody rotting mamoth skin looks much like another, and cavemen probably didn’t worry about acne and shit with those browridges they were all ugly anyway.

4. If I w were a caveman,, I would never have to clean anything again,, except for maybe animal skins.

reasons against.

1. no booze.

2. No cigarettes.

I have decided not to be a caveman.

The time I wanted to procure a lemon tree of my very own

The reasons why  mine would be a good home for a  lemon tree are as follows.
  Firstly, I would keep my lemons, the offspring of my tree, away from those things that they do not like. Sugar, and their main compitition, the lime. No lime’s would be served in the house of Polaski.
   Secondly, I would never use the phrase Lemonade Stand around my lemons, as it would scare them.
   Thirdly, I would only take the ripest of lemons, and I would tell the other Lemons that the lemons that were gone were going to a more bitter place. Ha, bitter?

Thoughts on Northangar Abbey

   I shall boil six eggs for you. It will be no problem.
   Just read three or four chapters of Northanger Abbey over lunch. Its strange how much social moors inform novels. Things you don’t notice when reading something contemperary will jump out at your grandkids as strange, just as I find it a constant unsettlement to discover that no women in Austen novels work, and that it is, in an Austen Novel, for women to travel wiith men who are not related to them. This disturbs me.
   The chapters I read weren’t particularly good. Three chapters involving Katherine worrying because she blew someone off who she was to take a walk with. What a strange world, where that’s an issue.

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