Archive for the ‘ political commentary ’ Category

Lucks cancellation

I guess this blogs mostly about politics, but recently the goings on in this country have been… So retarded that I have lost the motivation to engage. In baseball there’s probably a term for when the batter sees an easy pitch and just smashes that ball so hard that all the strings come out and trail behind it as everyone on bace runs home. So that’s what this is because its all I can be bothered with.

On HBO there was a show airing called Luck about horse racing. Three horses have died in filming so HBO canceled it.

There’s one reason for canceling a TV show. If it sucks. But this shits just goddamned stupid.

I never think much when I see those notices in the credits where it says no animals were harmed in this production, but I gotta say, so what if they were?

We have multiple industries hat exist to kill animals that we then eat. Every time you have steak or a burger that’s a dead cow and if you have fish obviously that’s a dead fish and so on.

Horses and cows are basically the same thing. They’re both big, they’re both stupid, but ones cuter. The horse. So when three horses die filming a show everyone gets all riled up and complains. But why?

I won’t even check this because I’m so sure I’m right but I bet online right now I’m sure I could order horse flesh chopped into whatever cut I want. People eat horses. Not so much today but historically, when you were starving or if you were part of a nomadic tribe, you’d just fucking chop them up and eat them like they were any other animal.

There are two obvious points here. First, a horse is a horse and is not, say, a chimp. Horses aren’t any more self aware than cows or chickens or pigs, in fact they’re probably less aware than pigs which are supposedly one of the smarter animals out there. So if you don’t have a problem eating meat, you shouldn’t care that a horse or two died filming an HBO show. Its a horse, there are plenty more where it came from. And come on, race horses are practically enslaved if you wanta get all empathetic about horses. Its like, run bitch! and if you don’t… Well I don’t know what happens to horses that keep losing races, but the point is horses are worked for ends which as horses they don’t care about at all. They don’t give a crap if they get to stand in the winners circle. They just really want an apple and some water.  Cows are slaughtered so that we can eat meat and wear leather jackets. Three fucking horses die during the filming of Luck and they put it out to pasture?

I don’t watch Luck I don’t care at all about it. It sounds boring. But Jesus, what have we come to? All the genocide in Africa and the Middle East we can turn a blind eye too, but you get Pida up HBO’s ass for filming shots that happen to kill some fucking animals and they just bend over backwards and cancel a freakin show over it?

The second point is that it wasn’t as though the reason the horses died was because they were snuffed out deliberately on screen for realism, they weren’t killed on purpose, they were injured doing whatever the hell they were doing and then the on set vet put them down.

What’s the big deal? Outside of this being news worthy, where’s the loss to society? Its a horse Three horses. Whatever. Horses used to die in war, and as I said above I’m sure somewhere in this country there’s a slaughterhouse so that some traditionalist can have his horse burger. And even if for the sake of argument there was a scene in this show where they blew a horses head off and they decided to save money by just doing it, so what? We kill animals. That’s what we do with them. This isn’t anything different or new. We kill them every single second of every single day. We don’t do it to survive as vegans prove, we do it because we wanta eat meat and wear clothes made from them. So can we just all get over this shit? Fuck.

sleepless Thoughts on Soft Bigotry

As the Washington State senate passed a  bill legalizing Gay Marriage, the bills democratic sponsor Senator Ed Murray said in remarks to the press that those who support gay marriage are not attacking traditional Mairage and that those who appose gay marriage are not bigots. He was half right.

I don’t know when it began, but somehow in this country we’ve reached a point where there are two things, in a political context, we are unwilling to do. The first is to admit that there are good idea’s and bad idea’s. While republicans and democrats are locked in something resembling a messy divorce, for the most part the idea in this country holds that everyone has a right to his or her opinion. But this idea has morphed to mean that a persons opinion is somehow valuable just because he holds it. This is wrong and incidentally this is why no one has been blamed for the Hous’s troubles.

A direct result of this is that we no longer characterize people as idiots, especially once they’ve stepped into politics.

Somehow even if someone has a crazy idea or an idea most people think is dumb we give it a tacid respect.  This is political correctness gone terribly wrong.

Related to no one being stupid is that in this country no one in national politics unless they self confess is racist or bigoted.

Here’s something depressing. In order to be branded a bigot today a politician has to say something that everyone knows means something almost exactly like, “I really hate black people or gay people or women.” But if they try and legislate something that says the same thing only groups that are so liberal they make the average American uncomfortable will lambaste them for it.

There have always been elements in this country that needed someone to hate. When we were at our most racist, this was almost everybody “other.”  Today “white” encompass everyone who looks a certain way, but for the century and a half after our country was founded, white meant of western European stock. . Immigrants from eastern Europe and Ireland were initially treated with as much racism as free blacks experienced. The difference was that because of pigmentation they could assimilate. Jews who today are thought of as a segment of the white population used to be seen as dangerous and corrupt with all the anti-cemetic stereotyping that one would assume. Colleges had quotas limiting the number of Jewish men they allowed into there freshman class every year, and the schools with the quota’s were the liberal ones. The others had refused entrance to Jews as though they were non-whites.

Races which were thought of as colored today are a majority of the country. They were barred from meaningful positions in society by white people through all instruments available, legal, social, and when those two were inadequate, physical force.

Up until the early twentieth century, with a very few exceptions, the idea of either a woman or someone who was not white running and then winning any sort of public office was outside the bounds of possibility.

If all of that depresses you you can take comfort in knowing that  although we aren’t a utopia by any means, we really have gotten much less racist and bigoted. And whoever tells you different has absolutely no idea what the hell they’re talking about.

Women and men are approaching equality in the workplace, and the type of discrimination that was commonplace in the first half of the twentieth century has been virtually eradicated. Especially among younger people, racism is in no way as strong of a force as it was. It would be wrong and presumptuous to say its gone entirely, but it is true that there are parts of the country where making racist or homophobic comments will have you isolated by your peers. I should point out that if you think this obvious, fifty years ago it would have been hard to find a place in America where anyone would have minded.

The gains for minorities are both material and legal in the form of increased economic status, legal protection and the highest levels of integration on record, and social, keep in mind that women used to be thought unqualified for everything but breeding, grocery shopping and housework and that in early film, blacks when they showed up at all were either comic buffoons, villains intent on raping white women, or servants. We had a gentlemen’s agreement with Japan which said that we’d stop harassing the Japanese immigrants who were already here if they would discourage any more from emigrating because we really didn’t want any more Asians. I’m not going to list all the evidence of racism in our history, I’d have to rename the blog if I wanted to do that.

My point in listing what I have is to remind you that things were worse than living memory indicates and so even though things are not as great as they could be it is important not to discount how good they are by comparison to even forty years ago.

It is a sad truth that as we have widened our definition of the majority to include women and all races, the social conservatives have resisted every widening. This is what it means to be socially conservative.

You don’t think that when we gave women the vote no one resisted? Of course they did. And when we amended the constitution to give blacks the vote, the south resisted, coming up with pole taxes and tests of political comprehension.

When I was in a political science class which was made up of only political science majors our professor gave us the test that Alabama used to make blacks take. To pass you needed a 95. He said whoever passed was excused from the final exam. We all took the final. We were college juniors who knew more about politics than most people on campus and as a class we failed. The tests were not written with altruistic motives. They were not intended to weed out the stupid or even the average.  They were written as an obstacle to keep black people from being able to express political will.

The south apposed school integration for minority races and the civil rights act because its population was rabidly racist. Its hard to imagine today because such displays have become impermissible. In 1968 George Wallace in multiple campaign speeches got much success with the line “the next nigger who lies down in the street I’ll run over.”

Along with the civil rights act our public schools began to teach from a young age that it was wrong to hate people who were a different race or religion.

This is the opposite of what had been taut in southern schools after reconstruction had collapsed. Textbooks of that time, from about 1880 to 1930  claimed the reason blacks and other minorities were poor was because they were lazy and inferior to whites. Asians, who would perform dangerous and extremely arduous jobs for little money and high risk were characterized as otherworldly and got shit on for working too hard which was related to how we thought of the Jews. These contradictions were allowed because bigots are not rational.

Along with the civil rights act and changing educational strategies came a wider positive media portrayal of non whites and working women.

Fifty years ago in the unlikely event that a movie showed the positive portrayal of anyone black southern theaters wouldn’t show it because by acknowledging, however slightly, that blacks and whites were equal was an attack on a pillar of southern society. A mistake is sometimes made in believing that racism in America was a contrast between an entirely racist south and a benevolent totally excepting north. This is false. The contrast existed, but in less absolute terms.

When you study our history you can watch our inclusiveness as a society trend positive as the decades have gone by so that now the only group that can make a credible claim of societal marginalization are gays.

I believe this is the point at which everyone who has objections will make them.

Mainly there argument is that gays living in this country don’t have to fear for there lives like blacks in earlier era’s did. And this is pretty much true. While gay people are still murdered for being gay the incidence do not point to the same kind of atmosphere of unprosicuted lynching that characterized the post reconstruction period in the south or the institutionalized violence which was ascencial to maintaining the slave trade before the civil war.

In many parts of the nation gays have achieved social acceptance. They show up on TV and in movies and media portrayal are generally positive. The reason I keep mentioning how different groups are depicted in the media is that its one of those things that has a large effect on how society thinks of those groups.

Today if you’re African American you can go see movies where someone of your own race has star billing and perhaps you think nothing of it, but before cidny potia there was a total lack of meaningful parts for minorities, re the south.

We have actors and musicians and working professionals that are out and as late as the seventies this would have ruined careers that now are mostly unaffected. In the 1950’s the stigma attached to being homosexual was so strong it was grounds for dismissal from any government job because the assumption was  you were closeted and thus a blackmail risk. Which was true.

And here is where we get to soft bigotry.

What has come to pass in this country over a long period of time is that the average person is not racist or bigoted. This has taken a long time, but today, if one of the republican candidates went on a Mel Gibson like rant against any minority group he would drop quickly in the polls. Nonetheless social conservatives  must always have a minority group to badmouth because what they form there political identity around is separating themselves from what they see as the undesirable members of society which over the last two centuries has been a moving target  And the only group its acceptable to publicly hate these days is the lgbt community.

Because of political correctness this hatred is somewhat masked. It is usually not ok to say “I hate fags and want them marginalized.” There are two reasons why this is not ok to say in public. The first is the wider acceptance of gays and lesbians I have already mentioned.

The second reason is that political correctness has changed the language so that many opinions which used to be spoken bluntly are now described in euphemism so that even to people who are uncomfortable with homosexuality to the point of always voting against gay rights when the opportunity presents itself hearing there own opinions framed so baldly would make them feel self-conscious.

The third reason is related to the change in how we perceive racism. Obviously when this country was racist we did not say “we’re racist as apposed to people who are not,” racism itself was only coined as a term when there were enough people apposing it to give it a name. Today few people would except themselves being described as racist to the point that even those who are do not want it to be made public unless they are downright radical so that when someone breaks the taboo against extremely harsh language those who agree with that person put distance between themselves to maintain there own respectability within society at large.

But legislation is not held to the same standard our words are so that bills to limit gay rights through various means often pass more conservative legislative bodies and even referendum votes in socially conservative states. The reason always given by anyone who is voting for or sponsoring such legislation is traditional values which is intended to conjure up the past, where socially everything was perfect.

But when precisely was this perfect time? It couldn’t have been too long ago, because if it were we would be talking about a time when as a society we kept down all minorities as a matter of course. Remember as an example in 1960 JFK faced serious opposition not because of his political views but because he was catholic. It couldn’t have been in 1860 because at that point it could be argued slaveholding was as much of a tradition as anything else. But it couldn’t have been in the 1980’s because at that point gay people had begun to come out of the closet and were starting to attain societies blessing.

It would be political suicide today to denigrate any of the following opinions in a public forum.  “blacks are equal to whites, Men without property voting, women outside of the home, white people living alongside Native Americans, allowing women the vote, allowing blacks the vote, allowing  racial minorities to attend public and private colleges,blacks in the army, allowing blacks in the army as combat troops, allowing blacks and whites to serve in integrated units, allowing Native Americans the vote, allowing gays to serve in the military, allowing gays to serve openly in the military, allowing gays to be employed by the government,  allowing two people to perform whatever sex acts they feel like performing in private, allowing a married woman to work, allowing a married woman to have her own line of credit,” but all of these things were declared as traditional values when they went from a bill into law or from taboo into socially acceptable territory.

We have short memories. The gay Marriage issue is  only the most recent battle for tolerance and inclusion. Before this it was whatever the hell social conservatives were pissed about in the eighties.

There are some who are going to accuse me of being overly semantic. They’ll tell me its unfair to compare today’s social conservative with yesterdays social conservative. See, today’s social conservative is upholding family values and the American way, while yesterdays social conservative was wrong and a racist or bigot, depending on how far you go back.

My response is that social conservatism, as a movement is wrong. The difference between being socially liberal and socially conservative is that social liberals see other peoples actions as none of there business while social conservatives think that because two gays get married there own marages will be undermined and threatened.

I’ve been alive for twenty-four years and for about seventeen or eighteen of those years  I’ve been aware of gays. At no point has the knowledge that two men can have sex ever made me want to have sex with a dude. I’m proud to say Massachusetts was the first state to allow gay marriage, but when the bill passed it I felt no urge to turn gay and marry a guy.

Bigotry is a twisted cancer within the conservative movement. All other conservative positions have marrot. Not all of them are the ideal solutions to our problems, but neither are liberal positions all correct.

Conservatives desire little government interference. Republicans will tell you they want to be left alone, that they don’t need the government telling them how to live, but social conservatives entire platform is based on telling other people how to live.

School prayer doesn’t stop anyone from praying there balls off after school. laws legalizing abortion don’t force women to have abortions. Interracial Marriage laws don’t mandate that you must marry someone not of your race. Back when woman’s suffrage was debated there were women who thought they shouldn’t have the vote. When the  amendment passed, it didn’t force anyone to start voting, it simply widened peoples options.

When we look back on how our  country used to be there are aspects of our history we despise. Slavery was an awful thing. So was the south after reconstruction had petered out. Jim crow laws were in retrospect barbaric. Most of us wouldn’t want to ask women to stop voting or to stop working. Once even the idea of educating women was a radically liberal position.

Every generation or so our country allows more liberty and every time the social conservatives come up with the same list of shoddily constructed arguments for why whatever it is shall to destroy the nation in something like the next eight months. But within a generation, the people who had to go on the record as voting “no” for whatever bill that brought the issue to its natural decision point become histories villains. We wonder how they could have voted to maintain whatever repressive law was on the books, or why they didn’t vote the clearly moral side.

And as we’re wondering this the next issue which will be obvious in hindsight is being debated and socially conservatives are once again on the wrong side of history.

What baffles me is that this trend isn’t hidden I’m sure I’m not the only one to have noticed. What I wonder is how people keep track of who they were allowed to hate yesterday but can no longer hate publicly and when gays have finally achieved equal rights, who social conservatives will hate tomorrow.

A Few Thoughts on Religious Liberty

Recently the Obama administration through executive order decreed that private insurance plans funded by religious entities must provide birth control pills to women who request them. Until this decision unlike all other private insurers, religious groups were able to deny women this specific type of contraception because they believe that contraception is a sin and will send a woman to hell where she will burn forever.

When the decision was announced, the Catholic Church run hospitals and universities threw a collective hissy fit.

There argument is that the Obama administration has struck a blow against religious liberty because it is forcing a catholic institution to go against its founding principles which are designed to keep as few people as possible from using contraception of any type.

The church’s objections aren’t just to the pill, but also to all other methods of birth control, including diaphragms, condoms, sponges, intrauterine injections and all other birth control devices. Of course the two methods they don’t object to are the rhythm method, where two people who are having sex guess about a woman’s fertility, and, of course, pull and pray.

The point everyone has lost sight of, however, is the most important point in the entire argument.

The Obama administration is not telling all catholic girls attending catholic colleges, hospitals, and universities that they must now get on the birth control pill, they have simply made it so that those who wish to use the birth control pill while attending a catholic college, hospital or university now cannot be refused when they ask for it.

Which brings us back to the issue of religious liberty.

In the last six hundred years, Christianity has been gelded.

The catholic church used to be able to drag you from your home and tie you to a stake and burn you if they thought you were a Witch or Wizard. There was a trial by ordeal, which translated into modern English means, “a trial you have no chance of ever ever winning”  This practice did not stop until the early seventeen hundreds.

The church used to have the power to make kings crawl to Rome and beg to be allowed continued membership in the church.

Now, however, in the twenty-first century, the problem the catholic church and other religious groups of all denominations face is that they are no longer taken very seriously by those who are members.

The church’s birth control policy is ignored by between ninety-eight and ninety-five  percent of catholic women. That is all but two to five percent, depending on the survey have confessed to using birth control methods the church claims one will go to hell for using.

If  all Catholics were “good Catholics,” this decision would not matter. The pope has told women that all contraception is hellish and a killer of the unborn, and if these women took there religion seriously, the decision would be as relevant to the catholic church as who wins the super bowl next week because its adherents wouldn’t act on it.

But they will act on it because in the twenty-first century, the popes words to American Catholics are not infallible. Otherwise none of the Catholics in this country would be using condoms, the pill, or all the rest of it.

In the deep south there are people who believe the bible is literally true, no ifs, ands or buts. They believe the world was created from nothing about six thousand years ago. Dinosaurs either lived concurrently with Adam  and eve, or are a hoxe perpetrated by secularists. These people don’t use condoms or birth control, which is why lots of them have many children, and also have higher rates of sexually transmitted disease than the rest of the American populous.

These people are stupid, but I respect them in the same way I respect a boxer whose getting his ass kicked and keeps getting up to take more punches to the face. The worlds  rapidly changing and through an insane effort of will they are not changing with it.

But liberal interpreters of scripture have been much more open to change. They have mostly forced there religions to change with them, and in the same way the Arab Spring was somewhat motivated by poor arabs able to see the lifestyle of the democratic west, Catholic peritioners watching the relitively stricture free life lived by mainline prodistants are ignoring Catholic teaching. And only Mother Church can be blamed for its own lack of clout.

The problem is that the pope and the religion he is supreme leader of has become feckless. It isn’t just this pope. The institution has lacked testicular fortitude for a long time now.

Your probably getting almost upset enough to stop reading at this paragraph, but give me one more to prove my point.

Picture this. Tomorrow the pope issues a papal bull, (a decree from on high, its all official,) which says everyone using birth control will be excommunicated. What would happen? Would condom use stop? Would birth control use stop? No. Neither would stop.

People would instead leave the church. The catholic hiarky is doing all it can do in 2012 begging its flock to stay. It might not look like its begging, but it is.

Ninety-eight percent of its current female flock will now burn in the fires of hell for ever and ever because they’ve used contraception. Sure, some will repent, but some will lie in confession and thus will burn. But does the church do anything to stop this? No! Because it knows that it lacks the power to stop anything.

Its become reactionary. It used to declare how the world would be, and people would listen. Now it harps because the world is ignoring it, and only a few listen.

Even Newt Gingrich lived for six years in sin with his third wife. I’m not knocking the guy, at least for this. He and his current wife had a getting to know you phase. Ignoring for now that this phase began while Gingrich was still married, what the couple was doing is what the huge majority of modern couples do. They were dating. Odds are they slept together before they were married. I have no problem with this, you probably have no problem with this, lets just assume his second mairage wasn’t going well. The church, however, views two consenting adults who are sleeping together without being married as some type of abomination, and, like everyone else, Gingrich and his wife flouted church doctrine.

This is technically an ex communicable offense. Keep in mind a hundred years ago Gingrich would not have been able to do this openly. He would have been ostracized by everybody that mattered, both within his church and within the larger Christian community. But the world has moved on so that now, not only was he not ostracized for sleeping with a woman he wasn’t married too, calling him on this point would not upset most of us.

When the Obama administration announced its decision, the Church did not quickly tell its congregation not to request contraception because most Catholics already use contraception of one form or another. They simply don’t go to catholic institutions to get there birth control.

The catholic church did not make this entreaty because they knew it would go largely unheeded by the so called faithful that fill its ranks.

The point everyone is ignoring is that the Obama administration hasn’t denied anyone religious liberty. The choice between taking birth control and not taking birth control exists unchanged. The catholic Church is upset because its followers, despite its wishes have already made there choice, which is counter to catholic doctrine.

On Sunday, catholic priests across the nation asked there flocks to complain to there local congressman in hopes of getting the ruling overturned through legislation. The alternative would have been to tell there followers to abandon contraception. But if they had asked this, and it was then ignored, the loss of credibility would have been crippling, so they did not.

In the coming weeks,  the Church will spend its time railing against Obama’s liberal secularist agenda. An agenda that its followers in small to medium degrees are already embracing. It can’t yell at its followers, because the vast majority will not care. They are catholic only as long as it is convenient to be catholic and most of them would drop there faith like a hot coal as soon as it asked too much of them. So it doesn’t. Instead it postures.

The catholic church is authoritarian. This authoritarianism is why you see so many people who used to be catholic but are now Episcopalian. The Episcopals let women be priests, let there priests marry, allow homosexual bishops and don’t bitch too much about abortion. The Catholics innocuously bitch about everything they see as a sin, are ignored, but still drive followers away because they don’t want to hear the constant bitching, even when its quiet.

A doctor at a catholic hospital is free to tell her patients that taking birth control is like popping the  Matrix’s blue pill, except instead of leaving the matrix its a one way trip to hell, and the patients are free to not care about this and take the pills anyway.

A person who is really catholic will not use condoms, will not take birth control, will not eat meat on Fridays, (a point the catholic church voluntarily conceded as not mattering much in the second Vatican counsel,) and do all the other things the church insists upon.

The Obama administration has expanded actual liberty, which makes it harder for any church to enforce religious liberty. But this issue should properly be between catholic leaders and catholic followers, not Catholic leaders and the Obama administration. Good catholic girls shouldn’t even be asking for the pill, and if they are its due to a failure of the catholic church to properly educate them. Let me do it. I think I can summarize this bullshit in a paragraph.

Life begins at conception. This means that if you have sex and have a miscarriage three days later even though the odds are you won’t ever know, you just had a kid. It was eight sells big and three days old and thought no thoughts, dreamed no dreams, took no breaths, had no limbs or head or bones even, but it had a little soul. Every time you tell your boyfriend to put a condom on, your preventing the unborn and enjoying sex for pleasure. This is bad because pleasure is a sin unless your married and even then pleasure is only a side affect of the sexual process because sex is about having children and pleasure is only a manifestation of humanaties sinful nature .

Have I convinced you of anything? Have they? Probably not.

Thoughts on the State of the Union and the mess of American Politics

Like a small number of the American people, I just finished watching President Obama’s state of the Union address. The State of the Union always makes any president look good. He can speak broadly about major issues and look very presidential while doing so. I admit I let myself get carried away by the presidents rhetoric, because there was not anything in the State of the Union I had a problem with, and this is because the presidents platform as expressed tonight was both moderate and obvious.

The most important aspect of his speech was a call for by partisanship. The president spoke directly to congress for a moment, ignoring the reality that the speech is mostly for the TV audience.

He told  congress that nationally no one trusts them. He called Washington broken. It is. He asked congress if anyone can blame us for our distrust. No one can.

I would like to speak to the five hundred and thirty five members of congress, just for this next paragraph. None of them will read this, but I’ve been upset for a year now as I’ve watched them engaged in nothing more than political theater.

You all disgust me. You do less than everyone I know. Most of you will be reelected because not enough of your constituency has the appetite to watch you repeatedly fuck them so they have disengaged. You are all either  corrupt or  intransigent. You have shaken my faith in our democracy. You act like small retarded children. You are stubborn and pig headed. You are only about self aggrandizement and making your party look good while making the other party look bad. But both parties as represented by congress are equally culpable of getting nothing done. I respect none of you, most of my fellow Americans respect none of you. We can tell from your continued actions that you shit on our respect.

If there was a theme to the state of the union it was that the president kept asking for specific bills to be put on his desk.

I kept wondering why he hadn’t brought them along, each a single page with no amendments. I wish he would have put each one on the podium as he spoke about it. If I had one objection to his State of the Union it was that he gave them not one thousandth of the serious reaming out someone needs to give them.

The president asked for legislation to help employ returning veterans, by forming an organization to leaze with communities, a type of placement bored. He asked for legislation which would stop payroll taxes from being raised. He asked for legislation to help community colleges perform job training because as it stands today there are many companies who are trying to find people to hire but are struggling because there are not enough people with the skills they need. He asked for comprehensive immigration reform and specifically drew attention to those people who were brought here young by there parents and are now attending college and also those who have come here to get degrees that we force to leave after graduation.

There were other things the president implored congress to send him which because I  didn’t take notes, I now cannot remember, but none of them struck me as partisan.

Cynics will say the president is going to get none of what he asked for. I guess you can call me a cynic because the only thing that I think has much of a chance with this congress in power of getting passed is the extension of the payroll tax cut, and the only reason that will get passed is not even the most irresponsible members of congress can come up with a reason that it shouldn’t be extended which will play well on television. But as far as everything else goes he won’t get the bills he asked for. Congress will bitch at itself until the elections when at least ninety percent of them will be reelected for all of that… Good work they’re doing. Ladies and gentlemen I applaud you.

The president painted a picture of a wonderful american future. He told us that we are still competitive and that we still have world influence. He aid out a set of steps which are not innovative or complex, but are merely things that people with common sense recognize must be  done if we are to maintain our preeminence.

Government research has been responsible for many of the inventions which have revolutionized our way of life. It is only common sense that says it will be as vital to future technological progress. Our bridges are crumbling because we’ve neglected them. We should fix them before they break with traffic on them. When congress does not and the news is saturated with talk of a dead family of four whose car fell into a river because of a broken bridge, I will only say, I told you so.

The president began his speech with a discussion of the armed forces. His point was that they did not bicker over differences when they had shit which needed to be done. He wished congress would be more like our troops.

This sounds stupid and overly earnest when he says it but this is only because our congress has made us feel the same type of crippling disappointment and angry confusion we would feel if someone close to us had committed rape.

Partisanship has become like parity, it has become so cartoonish and unrealistic that if I wasn’t living through it I wouldn’t even believe it were so bad and awful.

Many republicans watching the speech I’m sure had a knee jerk reaction. “I hate this guy.” But so little of this speech was partisan. Obama wants to lower the corporate tax rate, end subsidies for oil companies, punish companies that do outsource with higher tax rates as compared with those that do not outsource, and give tax breaks to companies that either do not outsource or choose to bring jobs back home.

The  State of the Union was made up of good idea’s. In a follow up interview Mit romney called the president a lier. He says that the president has done the opisit of what he claimed in tonight’s speech he  says he would like to do. And if Mit Romney is telling the truth, then shame on the president for acting like Mit Romney.  But if this is political exaggeration, it is symptomatic of our hatred problem.

The president ended his speech with a call for by partisanship. The only thing I see almost as much of as congressional gridlock is people complaining about it, but his tone touched me.

Mainly because his point is so clear and simple. We elected congress to  do a job, and it isn’t doing it. Instead its fighting with itself. There was a mythical time in this country when our congress worked together. It was a time when party politics meant that two groups with differing ideas of the best way to govern found common ground by talking to one another. They turned that common ground into law. Republicans and democrats would bounce ideas off one another until they found something which was not what they had first wanted but which they could except. We call that time the 90’s. Washington used to be functional. Now it isn’t. The responsibility for that rests squarely and almost exclusively on the heads of the meat sacks in congress tonight.

They don’t pass legislation. Therefore the president doesn’t sign it.

When bills are passed they are so long that reporters have to hire teams to read them because each bill is long enough that one person cannot just sit down by herself, read it, and then summarize it. They don’t just pass a law, they pass a law with five hundred unrelated amendments. And when someone doesn’t get  to shove his amendment right up the bills ass with the big repository of amendments already there, he votes against it to show people that next time he should get a piece of the pie.

And when that rarest of things, a politician with principles, sees a bill that is a good law covered in the maggoty amendments the other congressman have forced upon it, he feels he cannot vote for it because the amendments are bad, so few things get passed.

The president ended the State of the Union by talking about the killing of Osama Bin Laden. He pointed out that the members of the Seal team who killed Bin Laden as well as the members of government watching the operation from the situation room were not concerned with politics but with getting the job, killing Bin Laden , done.

The work of congress is equally  important. Imagine that you were back in college working on a group  project and you told your professor you didn’t get it done because the members of your group couldn’t agree on how to do it. He’d laugh at you and then flunk you. We have flunked congress. They have a national approval rating of nine percent. They have this approval rating because even if you aren’t into politics at all, you know from your glimpses of the news that all they do is fight. They are completely ignoring their responsibility to this nation.

To put that in perspective, in two thousand and seven back when congress was half assing its responsibilities , its approval rating was in the lower forties.

They have been given literally the most important job in this country and somehow they’ve chosen not to do it. In case you don’t follow politics, I’d like to be clear. It isn’t always like this. Our government is supposed to be low energy which means its not supposed to be easy to get laws passed. The process is supposed to take a while so that we can’t, in some odd national mood, outlaw ice cream or cars or whatever. But it isn’t supposed to be no energy, which it is now. Four times in this congressional term we’ve been less than four days from the government shutting down because congress was so reluctant to do even the bare minimum we expect of it.

Lots of people I know tell me over and over again its unprofessional to curse in a blog, but what they’ve done reminds me, and I am not being hyperbolic , of the teenaged girls that leave newborn children in dumpster’s because they can’t be bothered. America is that little crying baby and what congress is doing is killing it slow, and it makes me fucking hate them! It makes me hate them with a white hot fury, both altogether and individually, it makes me wish with all my heart that they could feel our combined disgust with them in some massive psychic onslaught. The only time all of them applauded the same thing was when gabby giffords came in, and some republicans probably thought the president giving her a hug was showmanship.

The president called on congress to be like Seal team six and do something without focusing on who was republican and who was democrat. He said that good ideas  come from both parties and that there are always areas of consensus.

I try and approach politics rationally. But I admit as the  president finished his remarks, I closed my eyes and pictured a congress that worked together, a congress that didn’t want to make the other party look bad but who found things they all or at least the  majority of them agreed on and made those things into law. In other words the polar opisit of what is happening there today.

I pictured what most of them were thinking as they listened to the stirring final minutes of the speech which was probably, oh, good, this is almost over. Now I can get back to mudslinging. I thought that it was only five hundred or so people taking this country and letting it slowly slip from superpower to has been and I became indescribably sad.

I let the presidents words wash over me and was bittersweet as I imagined what our country could be if everyone was engaged in politics and if all of congress  did have the atitude of the army.

We have problems that everyone knows must be delt with. If congress really did think like the army it would say to itself, here is what we must get done. Then they’d argue and prepose and counterprepose, and no matter how hard it was or how much everyone came into the term  with differing idea’s, they’d pass what it was clear had to get passed.

As the speech ended, I let the tiny nationalistic fire that burns within me flare up for a moment as I thought of alternative 2012’s which could be but which will not be. I thought that its only these five hundred douchebags in congress and this inixplicible polerization which is letting our country slip like malasis dripping down glass from superpower to has been. And I was indescribibley sad.

And then came the worst moment of the night.

“Well bob,” said the news anker, “You can see the president is gearing up for reelection. You see all that talk of economic fairness, well, that’s probably going to come up a lot in the next forty-one weeks. How many times do you think the President used the word fairness tonight?”

Back to the spin. Back t the world of american politics where nothing is genuinely meant and where everyone badmouthes each other except when they’re forced to be on telivision at the same time.

I thought about what Mit Romney said after the State of the Union. I was saddened yet again after watching Mitch Daniels respond to the president. First because he should be in the 2012 Republican nominating process, and second because of many remarks he made it was clear that he either did not watch the State of the Union or did not bother to revise his remarks after he did watch it. I suspect the former. In particular he bashed obama for bashing Steve Jobs when  in the State of the Union Obama made a point of praising Steve Jobs.

Welcome to 2012 everyone. Its like a greek tradgety. If we pull together and take concerted action American exceptionalism won’t be a joke. But we won’t do that. So ask your parents what it was like when we didn’t suck because you’ll probably never know.

Dear Young Republicans

Dear young republicans:

Addressing presidential candidates with open letters is cute, but gets nothing done. I’m twenty-four, I’m a college student, my influence over all politicians comes down to one vote, to wit, nothing.

So instead I’m writing to republicans, and more specifically I’m writing to young republicans, because older republicans, are, in essence, the problem.

This letter concerns gays ability to marry. I would like to ask a few questions of people who find themselves agreeing with the GOP position on this issue.  Would you feel comfortable prohibiting black marriage? Would you feel comfortable prohibiting interracial marriage?

If you have answered yes to either of these, fuck you.

If not, however, we are approaching the argument that always comes up at this juncture. Gays aren’t a race, republican orthodoxy goes, so telling them they can’t marry each other isn’t the same as telling a black man he can’t marry a white woman or  a Chinese woman she can’t marry a Hispanic.

I do not want to get into an argument. This issue is controversial, and everyone already has strong beliefs about it. I’ve read many arguments against gay marriage. If you are against gays being allowed to marry all I ask is that in fairness to hearing the other side out, you finish reading this.

Now, the arguments against gay marriage are these. First, gays are evil and unnatural because gay sex is gross and people who have gay sex are gross and it isn’t an issue of marriage, but one of existence, that is, just as medical marijuana is definitely just a way for people who like smoking pot to get a foot in the door of eventual legality, anti-gay legislation is the first step to an eventual pogrom or ghettoize or official second class citizenship. . Second, gays are cool, but gays marrying is not cool because marriage is between a man and a woman because the bible declares this to be true.

Third, gays hurt the development of families and encouraging gay marriage encourages a society in which fewer families are created which is a worse society because family is the basic unit of social and emotional support for everyone.

If you are in the first group, I’m surprised your still reading, but thanks.

Questions of homosexuality being dicked around with on a federal or state level come back to privacy. There are two camps. Those people who believe the constitution guaranties a right to privacy, and those who believe it does not.

People like rick santorom, who would prefer that homosexual acts be outlawed believe there is no right to privacy, otherwise such laws could not be made.

Santorom believes that anal sex is unnatural and would like the government to stop gays from having it.

And here is my big hail Mary pass to all of you who are disgusted by all gay people ever.

Because the constitution applies to everyone in the same way, Those people who believe there is no right to privacy are unable to say it is only gays who have no right to privacy, they must say no one has a right to privacy.

Privacy in this instance means sexual privacy, in other words the type of sex your having with your special friend. And when rick santorom says anal sex should be illegal,  it is important to keep in mind it isn’t just male on male he’s talking about, if you have engaged in male on female sodomy, he hates you for being unnatural just like he hates Jim and John for the private consensual sex they have in there own home.

I have no idea how many of you young republicans need be concerned about the republican parties feeling on sodomy. But national statistics say its just about a third of you, but it doesn’t end there.

The reason gay sex is unnatural is that it is not done to accomplish conception, by its very unnatural nature, its done purely for pleasure. By this logic all sex acts that are anything other than unprotected heterosexual sex are unnatural. This means oral, and this means I’m now talking to almost everyone in this Country.

Of course this isn’t advertised, because the odds are about ninety seven to one that your straight. And while as someone who has a strong dislike for gay people you must, by holding this belief think its fine to mess around with there private sexual activity, its a different story, a much more intrusive and crazy and not so empowering story, when people start messing around with yours.

In 2003, it was illegal for people of either gender to have anal in Texas and thirteen other states. So if the cops got tipped off that you were engaging in such behavior legally the cops could kick down your door, because if they suspected what you were doing they would have probable cause, rip you off your wife or husband or whoever you were currently giving the business, drag you to jail, charge you with sodomy and then prosecute to the full extent of the law.

If you think I’m making this up to make the issue more dramatic, I’m not. Laurence V, Texas is the supreme court case that overturned the sodomy laws on the books in the aforementioned fourteen states.

The way the case began was that in 1998 a policeman was sent to the home of John Lawrence because his neighbor, who was someone most probably like you lied to police and told them he’d heard shots fired. He later went to jail for two weeks because of this lie.

The cop, finding no gun but instead finding two men having anal arrested the couple and took them to jail after which they decided to become a test case for the issue.

You may think me crewed for talking about sex so much in this post, but that’s what this issue comes down to. What two people are doing in there home, in private. And I’d just like you to take one moment to think about this. If you have ever engaged in a sex act which does not directly result in pregnancy because you deliberately tried to prevent it, god thinks your just as much of an ass hole as dudes who have a preference for such.

Moving on to those people who believe that its OK to be gay, but not ok to be married and gay, first I’d like you to find someone whose gay and tell them to there face you think your better than they are because that’s what your saying.

If you have an opinion you should not be ashamed to express it. For example. If I ever come face to face with rick Santorom, I’ll tell him  this exact thing. “We have no Nazi’s in this country. We are so civilized that comparing anyone but neonazi’s to Nazi’s is an invalid comparison. But despite your good work on anti-poverty legislation you are the closest thing to a Nazi this country possesses and because of that I wish slow death on everyone you love so you must see them all die while living to see your own personal beliefs ground down into superstitious nonsense. Fuck you.”

You don’t have to say that, but its a different story when you tell someone to his or her face you don’t think they are worthy of marriage.

I’d like to also point out to you what it is you are saying when you deny another American Citizen the right to marry. What you are saying first is I am better than you exclusively because of who I’m fucking. Second you are saying that you are worse than me, and deserve less legal protection under the law.

For those of you who believe gays should get civil unions, please see Brown V. Board of Education. I’ll quote it for you. “Separate and equal is not equal.”

If your cool with that, I have now run out of arguments  except one. You are creating second class citizens.

Finally, if your objection is that gay people are harmful to society because they do not create families much like your reading of the bible, your being far too literal in your thinking.

Gays can fuck each other like rabbits and will never have kids. Sweet. But this does not mean they cannot raise a family.

They can and do adopt children. Before you worry that gays are bad parents, national studies have been done that show no correlation between gay parents and there children being gay or evil or less educated.

The greatest part about gay adoption is its always deliberate. Straight people have accidental children all the time. However when you see  gay parents with children you can be sure it was a choice. Those two people wanted kids. Otherwise they wouldn’t have them.

And now the big offensive paragraph

Please think about the view you hold. Remember that everyone is human and remember that a gay couple is as in love as you are with whomever your dating or married too. Remember that the statistics say you know someone who is gay even if they haven’t come out. Remember as well that when you tell someone he or she cannot get married, they do not consider you two to still be friendly. You may as well kick them in the junk and spit in there eye. They believe you hate them and see you as the new KKK.  Please remember how upset you would be if someone told you specifically you couldn’t marry because of some objection you considered bullshit. Please remember that interracial marriage once was an issue that was as controversial as this one is, and that people who were against it were calling it unnatural, the same word people use to appose gay marriage.

Please think about all of this. I am not optimistic enough to believe I’ll change one persons mind. I think at this point you have your view and I have mine.

I don’t know why I wrote this. It hurts me to have to write this because I think its futile to try and argue someone out of this issue. Its emotional, its not logical. But I tried.  Thanks for reading.

Jason Polaski

The problem with Internet Piracy. Its too easy

Lets have a race. Lets see which one of us can get a copy of any movie that’s been in theaters longer than two weeks, any album that’s going to come out within the next three months, and any season or episode of any TV show as long as its kept a fan base after cancellation.

I’ll win. I don’t know where you’ll go to buy it, but I’ll steal it and win.

Well, I won’t really steal anything, but I easily could.

If you go to sites like and type in whatever the hell you want, be it music, TV show or movie, within less than ten seconds you’ll be downloading it. If you wanted to get a free copy of every pink floid album ever from now until the first bit came to your hard drive would be about the time it takes you to open a new tab and type ten words.

If doesn’t have what your looking for, go to Google and type the title in plus the word torrent, and, within ten seconds you’ll have it.

This is the problem facing the entertainment industry today. They’re stupid.

The reason they’re stupid has to do with why people steal media. Partially, of course, its that it saves one a lot of money but the other, and much more significant reason is that its so easy!

Its easier than doing almost anything else. Its two in the morning. I can’t sleep so I’m lying in bed writing this post. It’d be easier and faster for me to download the new Snoop Dogg album than it would be for me to get up and get a drink of water.

Its been this way for almost ten years. And the big media companies are still years behind when it comes to getting it. They remind me of dinosaurs.

Companies such as Hulu, Spotify  and Netflix are a start, but they are hobbled by lack of content. Because what I can steal on the Internet is, well, basically infinite. Almost any piece of entertainment published since Charlie Chaplin with no commercials.

Stealing is not made any less wrong by how easy it is, but this is easier than taking candy from a baby with no hands. This is like not taking money someone’s waving under your nose. Its like falling into a fifty foot deep pool of cash and coming out of it as broke as you went in.

I’m making a prediction. Its general because predictions are too often wrong for me to get cocky. Within the next ten years we are going to see an easement on the ways in which we get content.

The way TV ratings are gathered is quaint. Random people are asked to participate. They are given logbooks and are supposed to write down what they watch. At the end of certain periods all this is collected and then  from this sample neilson decides how many people watched a certain show.

But it is becoming increasingly irrelevant who watched what last night on TV, because if they missed it last night they can steal it today, or, they could have tevoed it or they can look it up on Hulu or Netflix or wait and buy it on DVD.

What I don’t understand is why these businesses have been slow to react.

Congress shares some of the blame. Watch this. I’m about to write some anti-piracy legislation. “the web site is a criminal organization purveying billions of dollars a year in stolen content. It flouts copyright law with contempt and  hereby shall be blocked entirely by all Internet providers in the united states.”  Don’t get all civil liberties on me, we do the same thing for kiddy porn.

Other web sites would replace thepiratebay the minute after the legislation was passed, but when the top album torrents on the site  are almost going gold, the only excuse congress has is… Well, that its congress and is only good at blaming others and sitting on its ass.

Free content is out there, and its probably not going away. Even if we cracked down hard on torrent sites there will be blogs that share content and private networks which will grow through word of mouth. And even if we could eliminate Internet piracy there are still cd burners. Remember those? Way back in the late 90’s and early two thousands, when I still knew how much a CD cost, me and my friends would go to the store, we’d each buy a cd, and then that day we’d burn them all for each other. Technology makes media easy to disseminate.

The only thing the media companies can do is to outslut the pirate bay and the other sites exactly like it. People don’t mind watching commercials, and don’t mind paying reasonable prices for the content they love.

Hulu is a mockery of its illegal competitors because it offers less content at higher prices. People can steal shows, films, and albums they can’t buy. Unreleased projects leak, and thepiratebay doesn’t give a shit about  problems with licensing. Netflix should be larger. I should be able to go on Netflix and watch whatever I want whenever I want. I should be able to pay by the episode or watch it free with advertising.

The reason people don’t steal coffee and bagels from your favorite breakfast place is because its easier to ask the guy behind the counter for “one onion with a large decaf with skim,” than it is to try and run into the kitchen and take it.

Well, right now that’s reversed in the entertainment industry.

I don’t know who you guys are that run these big companies, but I can tell your old. Well, let me tell you something. Everyone under about twenty-five knows what I’m talking about. Stealing is easier than everything except breathing and until you guys figure that out and adapt to how the world is you’ll keep losing money and looking stupid and culture will continue to suffer through its devaluation which your lack of twenty-first century savvy precipitated.

The Crazy Train, or the issue with the Republican Primary.

Finally we are getting towards the end of all the Bullshit.

Orthodox wisdom now says that the republican primary is down to Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.

The best that can be said of Mr. Romney is that he’s a known quantity. I’ve been watching his career due to his being my governor for a number of years and I can assure you he’s probably not crazy.

But that brings us to some of the stupid things he’s been saying, which brings us to the stupid things all of the men (with the exception of Ron Paul and John Huntsman,) running for the republican primary have been saying.

What you are watching are a bunch of people who are unqualified for the job of president unwilling to admit it. The other reason this shit show has been dragging on so long is because the media, feckless as it currently is will not point out that many of these people, almost all of them, in fact, should never have been taken seriously as candidates. Fox is the exception, fox is instead actively trying to make people newthink themselves into an altogether different reality, but that’s an issue for a different blog post.

The republican orthodoxies are so reactionary that you can predict them before you hear them based off of what the democrats said last week.

The world view expressed by the candidates ignores everything that admits to republican fallibility, and also those things which admit that the democrats have had some good idea’s. Which means everyone  tries to out conservative the competition. Which means in edition to hearing people say goddamned stupid things you can keep in the back of your mind that these aren’t  even necessarily what the candidates believe. In a primary, where voters are either far left or far right, depending on whether the primary is democratic or republican, candidates lie to try and get the largest chunk of votes from the people voting in the primary elections. The disturbing part is that this crazy train is attracting, rather than repelling to the super conservatives. Whoever wins will begin refuting half of the things they are saying now so as to start lying to people like me in the Spring.

Which brings us to Hermin Cain, the republicans Obama substitute. All that can be said for him is that he came up even shorter than did their substitute for Hillary Clinton.

What you see, the foolishness of it all, and the lackluster field and the beginning of the actual campaign with Mit Romni already chopping up bits of the presidents speeches to make him say things he never actually did should depress us. Watch the final debate. Tell me how many of those people you would pat on the shoulder, say “good job” to and ignore for eight years in office. How many of them can you honestly tell me have what it takes?

You might be wondering what it takes. Well, John huntsman had what it takes. He is an orthodox party conservative, and you can’t understand what beautiful music that sounds like to my ears at this point.

Huntsman has a problem. He’s boring. So he’s out. Because the other thing you need in most political races is charisma by the shit ton. Huntsman doesn’t have this.

But As we have seen over the last several months of embarrassments, who forgot what this week? Charisma isn’t all a person needs. Mit Romni, Hermin Cain, and all the people in the race are charismatic to varying degrees. None as charismatic as Sarah Paylin or Obama, but still, they have enough oomph to get people out to see them which is more than huntsman can say.

Yesterday I watched Donald Trump say if  his preferred candidate didn’t win the primary he would enter the race as an independent, and at this point I don’t see how it could hurt. Trump made a billion dollars. That’s a good resume, and whoever wins this stupid primary won’t have a good chance of beating Obama anyway.

Here’s what people won’t say. Obama is five times smarter than anyone in that primary field with the exceptions of Mit romni, Ron Paul, who it must be said is too old and too libertarian to be the president of this country, and John Huntsman. In Romni’s case the deficit is one of integrity.

Further, it is not because all republicans are dumb that we’re currently in this fix. Its because  the voters in republican primaries are  dumb, and moving farther to the right every year, and because this crop of candidates is in the main idiots that we find ourselves here.

The party is against things like ivy league schools and nuance. It is against people who look smart. Its no longer a good thing to get up on stage and tell people anything involving unpalatable truths or complex idea’s. Its god and lost jobs that will come back if you vote for me. Its shoot from the hip. Its a president that’s a lot like you.

When this is what a party warps into, what you see on stage rather than someone like Ike or ragen is Rick Parry, Michel Bachman, Herman Cain, and all the others.

There are few conservative intellectuals today. There used to be many. William F. Buckley and Milton Freedman and Berry Goldwater. Now the closest thing we have to a republican intellectual  is Newt Gingrich who is too busy rewriting history to learn from it.  I can’t say what happened because I don’t know but its a recent development. We used to have conservatives in this country who had come up with beliefs based on watching the world.

Being conservative is watching some democrat who wants to spend half a billion dollars on something when the fifty million we’re currently spending isn’t being used properly. A conservative sees that and wonders, but what’s going on with the money we’re already spending?

A conservative is someone who recognizes that large bureaucrats is usually inefficient, and wants organizations to be smaller and to work on the local level. Being conservative is a belief that informs other beliefs. Being republican is hating the things the democrats like.

And  now we don’t have conservatives, we have republicans.

And the republican party is two things at this juncture. Reactionary, that is, its policies and party platform are not knew. They are crafted based on what the democrats are doing and whatever the democrats are doing, republicans will not do, to the point of taking the opisit side of positions they were for when the democrats were not advertising there agreement so as not to give the democrats legislative victories.

The second thing the party is old, and the third thing this means the party is a little racist. How much I don’t know, but its best we just get it all out there right now, so we can talk about it honestly.

Barack Obama got 96 percent of the black vote in 2008. Republicans will probably claim that as reverse racism, or equally as bad as whites who voted for Mccein in protest.

But Obama got 96 percent of the black vote because he was the first black guy who had a  real chance of winning. Every other time in every other presidential election since blacks got the vote all black votes have gone to white people.

Reverse this. When whites are given an opportunity to vote for someone of a different race from their own, in some southern states it was shown that this became more of a factor for whites than political party.

This ads another de mention to the republican party. Because a certain type of republican vote doesn’t have anything to do with how we’re going to shrink the debt and fix the economy. Instead some republicans are voting the back in time ticket. This doesn’t really exist is the thing. Even if we all lost our minds and elected Rick Santorom president in 2012, the odds of ushering in his dream, one where gays and the moral equivalents of them, people who fuck dogs, are stoned to death like in biblical times, are low enough that I’d be more sickened than worried, there are people who still want this.

Its not the fact that some guys picking lettuce for three dollars an hour. Americans don’t want those jobs.  Its the fact that now theirs Spanish on the radio that’s bothering some people.

That’s what I tell myself anyway because otherwise I’m not sure what the appeal of these candidates is.

Here’s the rule. Screw up once, I get it. Call the capital of Iran Baghdad or Kabul once, OK, we’re all busy, it happens. Do it twice, I get it. Get the fourth and fifth amendments confused, or forget one of three of the ways you plan to cut back government spending, that’s fine. We’re all human. We all have said and will  continue to make mental gaffs.

But there’s a point where you have to throw up your hands and say, “that guys stupid. Or at least not president of the United States material.” If someone walks and talks like a dumbass for months, you know what? they’re a dumbass!

Herman Cain shouldn’t have dropped out because he had an affair, or because he had four affairs. Gingrich already had affairs! Whatever. Cain should have dropped out when he said that the constitution would allow him to fire every Muslim in the government when, in a bit of irony that only makes me sad, it protects against that very thing.

And this is what happens when people want to elect themselves to office. I woke up today and I couldn’t remember who the British prime minister is. Once you realize you know you know something but have forgotten it it drives you crazy. So I spent twenty minutes trying to remember.

I then got to thinking about how its really fine that I don’t know because I’m not going to be using that information today. Probably won’t be using it tomorrow now that you mention it.

But every presidential nominee should know things like that. They should be smarter than you and I. They should be the person we brag with by putting him in the spotlight. Like check out this guy. . And he should be up on his shit. Why do I even have to say this?

If the dude whose running for president is asked a political question and he doesn’t know the answer , and you know you know, then that’s the hint to you that this dude’s a fucking moron.

There are over three hundred million people in this country. Most of us don’t know all the things we’d need to know to be a good president, and, in the main, this is fine, as we’re not running. The problem is that when people run, they need to be held to high standards. They need to be examined on what they say, and when they start sounding like what it might sound like if we let a guy who got a d- in his high school civics class run for office, someone should tell everyone else that no one should  vote for the guy.

And then I remember I’m in a crazy world. Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich are doing better than a guy with a totally interesting political platform, Ron Paul. Where Hermin Cain has an affair and no one is surprised because we’ve seen it at least a hundred times already yet he drops out when he should have dropped out before he was in to begin with. A world where people whose problem is that they are already too conservative fight to be even more so. It’ll be a matter of days before someone gets rid of the motorcade and arrives to the next speech or debate on a black stallion with eight armored dudes on identical horses as an honor guard. .

I just want to point it out again. This is what happens when dumb people are running for office.

None of these people are bad. Cain owned pizza places, and was making a lot of money. He was Mayer of Atlanta. Probably perfectly qualified for that. Rick Parry seems stupid enough that I fear for Texas, but Bush JR was governor of Texas first, so they’re used to it. The point is that most of these people are just way over their pay grade. So I blog about it.

Why you Should Really Hate Congress.

People on the left talk about the concept of American exceptionalism as though its a bad thing. People on the right assume that we don’t have to do much to remain exceptional.
They’re both wrong.
There will always be a country which will be able to claim the label exceptional. Its inevitable. It might be the Chinese or the Japanese, it might be the English, or it can continue to be us.
It probably won’t be us, though, because people are too self interested and shortsighted to do what needs to be done now if we want to remain number one.
But there are still people reading this saying to themselves, but we shouldn’t be exceptional, we’re only one country. Why should we be more powerful than all the other countries? What gives us the right to dictate terms to other countries? Wouldn’t it be better for the world if we were weaker?
For people who say we shouldn’t be exceptional, you are both idiots and you are wrong. Someone has to be exceptional, there will always be a top international dog and given that there must be a world power because of the way statistics work, it should be us for the simple reason that I do not feel like moving and neither do you, assuming you live in the States. If our ranking in world education drops a place, say from ninth to tenth, then the country that used to be behind us will be ahead of us, all other things remaining equal. That’s how this number one thing works, and it works like that with everything, economics, military strength, crime rate, healthiest citizenry.
And we’re slipping and we have been slipping for a while. In addition to our slippage, the rest of the world has sensed an opportunity, and is rising up. It is becoming better and smarter and more civilized. In most ways this is a good thing, and it would be a good thing in all ways if we were getting better along with them, but we’re not.
I’m going to tell everyone what needs to be done if we want to be number one again, and no ones going to like it, but once I’ve said it I can watch our decline and fall with a sense of peace, because when its all done I’ll be able to sit on the ruins of some iconic building, and I’ll be able to say to whomever’s left, “Toldya so.”
The First massively huge problem is education. We need to put more money into it, and not a little more money, I’m talking thirty or forty percent hikes in the annual federal budget for education. If we’re doing that, I want the intelligent design shit off the curriculum, however. If people want to make themselves less intelligent, they can do that with state money.
We need to put more money into education because our kids are stupid. Yeah, I know, you aren’t supposed to say it like that but its true. The children of this country, my own generation which recently came of age included, are statistically stupid. We rank poorly on all international tests. Our reading and math skills are bad, our science skills are worse. This is a problem, because every year there are fewer jobs which one can get by being physically strong and by being willing to work hard. Those jobs aren’t vanishing tomorrow, but their total number is trending downward.
After we spend money on education, we need to spend money to fix our infrastructure. You know where crumbling roads should be? Outside of our borders! . Our roads and our bridges have been screwed up for years. In Pennsylvania alone, thousands were given a grade of D or lower by engineers sent to inspect them.
While we’re on the topic of infrastructure, we need to improve our wireless networks. Lots of people in this very country don’t have the Internet. I don’t need to explain why this is a problem, or maybe I do.
To sum up why no Internet for American citizens is a problem in one sentence. The Internet allows one to shop, watch TV without paying for cable, it allows one to do ones taxes, to pay ones bills online and to otherwise manage money, it allows one to check buss, plain, and train schedules without leaving the house, it offers a competitive marketplace, allowing a consumer to get lower prices than they would in a physical store, and it allows one to post his or her resume on web sites where millions of employers search for perspective job candidates. . I’m leaving lots out but I’m sure you get the idea. The Internet is a necessity for someone to be a productive citizen in the twenty-first century.
We need to make ourselves business friendly without completely ruining tax revinew, so it is important that we make ourselves a country where large companies can thrive. Finally and most urgently, we have to cut our national debt. Here’s where the stupidity of both republicans and democrats is going to ensure we continue declining.
Republicans cut lots of things this week in that house bill which they’ve been wanting to cut for a while. These things include preschools for the impoverished, planned parenthood, which prevents I don’t know how many abortions a year, but its lots, pell grants, education in general, the list goes on for quite a long while but the important thing to note is that all these cuts were made in discretionary spending, which is… Twelve percent of the budget.
Twelve sense on the dollar gets back here. Look at it that way and maybe you can understand why I’m so pissed off. Twelve sense on the dollar goes to programs that will benefit you this year or next year. Like highway repair, education, the FBI, that type of thing.
Our defense spending is about twenty percent of the budget which is fine.
Here’s the real problem. Social security and medicare account for more than defense and domestic spending combined. And these two entitlement programs are going to drive us so hard into the second world we probably won’t remember how we got there.
The problems are twofold. With social security there are more people retiring than joining the workforce, because the baby boomer generation is bigger than the generations surrounding it. This means that social security isn’t paying for itself.
The second problem is Medicare. Too many people are on it, and everyone else is paying for that. I don’t mean to trivialize the reasons people are on Medicare. Many of them have no other means of insurance, many of them are old and need Medicare for lifesaving medical treatment.
Medicare and social security combined shall bankrupt us if we don’t make them affordable soon. On the other hand, cuts in domestic spending are going to be miner in proportion to the two serious problems I just mentioned, yet republicans keep bragging about the cuts they’ve gotten passed the house.
I’m starting to hate everyone in congress because the massive irrelevancy of these proposed cuts is something I believe they must all know. I didn’t beat this information out of someone, I just listened to the news and read the papers.
But republicans are pandering to the right, saying they’ve brought fiscal discipline back to Washington when all they’ve done is bring an elusion of it to congress. Meanwhile democrats have vastly expanded Medicare coverage without excepting the reality that this expansion if it isn’t repealed will necessitate either a huge tax hike for everyone or bankruptcy for the nation.
So both sides are ignoring the issue because they don’t want to have to deal with it because any serious threat to the programs which need to be changed will be politically unpopular. I find there cowardice sickening, but not surprising.

No Reason for Pride

Recently, with the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the civil war, there have been what can be best called confederate pride rallies in some southern states. Such marches disgust me.
The only thing worse would be a march of the KKK in a prominent southern city, and frankly, it wouldn’t be worse by all that much.
The argument made by descendants of confederate soldiers must be willfully wrong, unless southerners are truly as stupid as stereotypes would have one believe.
These re enactors claim that the confederacy seceded because of states rights. This is true, but over general. They seceded for one states right, the right to subjugate African American men and women into slavery. That’s it. Of course the question of whether or not blacks would continue to be property was not the only factor in the south’s ultimate decision to secede from the union. There was also the perception that the agrarian lifestyle of the south was becoming outmoded by the north’s industrialization, (which it was,) and the feeling that the north was deliberately attacking the south’s way of life as a slave holding society.
I’m primarily upset with two groups of people here, the people marching, and the news media.
There’s a reason that the grandsons of German soldiers from world War II aren’t marching in Berlin every year. The reason is that these men were Nazi’s in Hitler’s army and are partially responsible for the Holocaust, and the millions Hitler invasion of Europe ultimately killed.
It hurts being on the wrong side of history, I’m sure. I feel bad enough knowing that our country used to allow the buying and selling of men and women I’d feel worse if I knew my great grandfather took up arms to defend that abomination.
Slavery is talked about so much in school and in general conversation that I strongly believe many have forgotten how horrific it truly was. Female slaves were raped, and most were whipped and beaten for not working hard enough. Even if a slave was lucky enough not to experience any of these privations, he or she still experienced something no one living in this country today has ever had to. The feeling of being someone else’s property.
It is equal parts sickening and ironic that the people who have forgotten most completely are the fools marching in Birmingham and other state capitals because it was there ancestors more than anyone else’s who were most responsible for the slave trade.
I’d like to remind those men of a few things. Your “country” was founded almost exclusively to keep the institution of slavery alive and well. While your ancestors who served may have done so bravely, and may have done so ignorant of the larger political implications of what there service meant, the reality is that the CSA was defending its right to hold slaves against a popular trend which was increasingly coming to see slaveholding as the despicable action which it is.
My rage at you is total and complete, because rather than stand up and proclaim the reality, that your great grandfathers were soldiers who fought bravely, but for a cause which was wrong, you stand up and obfuscate the issue with empty rhetoric, when you aren’t lying to people altogether. Anyone with a high school education, (at least where the teachers weren’t spinning history,) knows that the primary cause of secession was slavery, and those who took up arms were defending slavery even if they were too removed from larger events to know it. But ignorant’s has never been a satisfactory excuse for actions which are detrimental to society.
If I thought the members of these diluted groups were a serious sociological movement I’d get on a plain, go down to one of those rallies, and I’d spit at the feet of someone marching. Luckily for my wallet, I feel no pressing need to do this.
These people marching in the south are a dying breed, thank god. They are the last gasps of a world almost two-hundred years gone bye. To be repulsed by them is natural, but to mobilize against them is mostly a waste of time. History is crushing these peoples misplaced pride into a memory more than anyone in the world could, and I must say, for myself, that the sound of them being ground down under times heel is the most pleasant sound I’ve heard in years.
A common complaint from these pro confederate people is that they’re simply proud of there haratidge. They ask why people have to attack them for that pride.
I have an answer for anyone in that camp who hasn’t stopped reading this in rage. I must call you and yours out for being idiots. Your cause was wrong, and gets increasingly wrong with the passing of time. In addition to committing treason, which was bad enough, you didn’t even commit treason for a good cause. Your great grandfathers were sort of evil guys. They weren’t consciously evil, but they were serving a country that was.
The union wasn’t all rainbows and understanding. Many people in it were racist to a degree, and many didn’t see the war as one about slavery at all. But luckily, the war became a violent referendum on that issue as it progressed and the United States found itself on the right side of history this time.
I won’t waste much space on the second reason I’m upset, as my expectations of the news media sink by the day, but why the hell hasn’t anyone taken the trouble to point out all the things I just did. People have a legal right to freedom of speech and the right to assembly, but this doesn’t mean that what they say under this protection is right. Someone should lambaste the sons of the confederacy on national television, otherwise those who hear about the rallies won’t realize how disturbing they truly are.

Do the Egyptians Want it badly enough?

Several months after we’d invaded Iraq, we settled on our third official reason for occupying it in the first place. First had been the claim that Iraq had either begun to stockpile or had begun to develop nuclear weaponry. When this was proven to be false, the Bush administration, desperately seeking a credible excuse for invasion settled upon Saddam Hussein having strong links to the terrorist Organizations which were responsible for 9/11.

When this was also proven false, the administration came up with a reason that finally stuck. We had invaded Iraq not because they had nuclear weapons, (because they didn’t,) and not because they were linked to alkida, (because they weren’t,) but because Saddam Hussein was an evil man, an authoritarian leader who abused his own people directly by gassing them and jailing them for any reason whatsoever, and indirectly by denying them freedom. At least this reason was true.

nevertheless, I found this reason absurd. There are many authoritarian regimes around the world, Iran, North Korea, China, most of Africa, but we didn’t attack any of those governments because wars with those nations would have either been too hard or would not have dovetailed with our own, less noble interests.

What upset me more than this selective outrage on the behalf of people ruled by despots was that revolution should be internal, not external.

People who truly yearn for liberty free themselves. People who are satisfied with there current form of government,whether that satisfaction is informed or is based on ignorance, do not rebel.

China, for example, has a billion people within its boarders. Rebellion would not only be possible, but it would be easy if people wanted a change in government badly enough.

I sense that most people are starting to disagree with me here. For argument I offer just this. The American revolution, the french revolution, the Haition revolution, Cuba’s revolution under Castro, The White Revolution in Iran, the gaining of Indian independents led by Gandhi, the list goes on.

Not all of those revolutions worked out for the best. Some made the living conditions of the people in the countries affected worse instead of better.

I am not claiming here that revolution always leads to a better state of things than had existed before revolution, I am simply claiming that revolution should be motivated by the people of a country who are dissatisfied. It should not be something orchestrated by international forces with agenda’s of there own.

Watching the upheavals in Egypt, I’m cautiously optimistic. The movement against Mubarak is a grassroots movement with a high proportion of young people involved which suggests that the Muslim Brotherhood is not a primary factor as of yet.

Whenever reporters ask Egyptians they interview about the underlying cause of these riots, the answer always comes back similar. Its something to the affect of, “We want Mubarak to leave and we want to pick our own government… We want a democracy.”

More power to them if they really do want a democracy, speaking as an American I think democratic government is the best form of government available.

But before I start praising the Egyptians too much, it must be remembered that as of yet all they’ve done is riot, nothing substantive has come of it, unless punching Anderson cooper in the head counts.

And here is what I find interesting about the conflict. Mubarak has said he’ll step down in September. That didn’t slacken the anti-Mubarak protesters yesterday, but now that suspiciously well organized pro Mubarak forces have begun to retaliate with violence, I’m left with one burning question.

Do the Egyptians want it badly enough? It being whatever form of government they’d prefer to the one which they currently have.

Its one thing to peacefully protest for eight days, its another to throw back crudely armed opposition after having already gotten what could be rationalized as a large enough concession by Mubarak to claim the protests achieved what they were meant to. Life in the affected cities is now far from normal, with food shortages predicted to become crippling soon.

And so what I wonder as I type this is whether or not the Egyptians want self-determination enough to stick with what they’ve started. My knowledge about Egypt as a place stops in 1973, but I’m just assuming a guy whose held power for thirty years shouldn’t be trusted when he says he’ll relinquish it voluntarily. I can’t guess if the Egyptians care enough about self-governance to make the sacrifices necessary to get it. something like that’s impossible to know.

But as someone whose country was founded on the same metaphorical tearing up of the social contract, I have to applaud the now slightly more realistic possibility that the Egyptians may soon be able to pick their own leaders and make their own laws.

A second interesting question is what form of government will take shape if Mubarak is indeed deposed. My hopes for a flourishing democracy are low. People used to being ruled with an iron fist are prone to backslides into authoritarianism once a democrassy has been founded because a dictatorship is familiar, and also because democracy hasn’t really sunk into the bones of the people yet.

I strongly appose direct involvement by the United States in this matter. Of course I’d love nothing more than for the Obama administration to pull a couple strings and manipulate things so that no anti-American factions take power. The problem is that If the U.S. rigged the elections of Egypt, something which is not at all unprecedented, then we would be far closer to the principals espoused by Mubarak than those principals outlined in our own constitution.

I admit that my hope for a positive outcome, while small, is also invigerating.

On the one hand, there was Iraq, a country that we’ve wasted lives, time, and money on “civilizing” for eight years, and our results are in no way assured. And on the other hand there’s Egypt, which decided that it wanted a new government, and has taken the first and the only steps which citizens of authoritarian states that can’t muster an army can take when they want change. Make a lot of noise, break things, and repeat loudly what they want.

Best of luck to you Egypt, I hope you want it badly enough to keep at it.