Who Cares About Affairs?

Pete Domenici used to be one of our  senators. As it turns out he had a child with the daughter of one of his senate colleagues. As should surprise no one, MR. Domenici and his lover kept the child a secret because he was an upstanding family man, concerned with America’s morality and how God feels about our great nation. Or at least he was concerned with how people who are genuinely concerned with such things would feel about him if it were known he had a secret love-child.

Naturally it came out, as all things do, and, naturally, the media’s jumping into fake shocked mode. “How could this happen, no one saw this coming, washington is rocked by scandle.” By now the capital should be a crador. I don’t think its rocked by scandles involving two people having sex.

Here’s a secret! People love to fuck. Women like to fuck powerful men, older men want to fuck younger women, and we have a match that pleases both parties. It happens An awful lot and not just in the ranks of polititions and their flunkies. So much, in fact, that it is a surity you know someone having sex they aren’t supposed to be having. Its called an affair, ladies and gentlemen.

And I’m so sick and tired of the news sensationalizing every affair that comes to light.

And I’m sick of the wrote aftermath. Husband and wife have joint press conference, husband apologizes, wife acts like she’s cool with it. Who knows! Maybe she already knew. Maybe she is cool with it. Maybe they have unorthodox bedroom arrangements, or maybe the marriage is already dead and its only function now is to appease all those Christians who talk about the sanctity of marriage, getting a divorce can weaken support for an office seeker among certain demographics, although not mine, the sane.

Here’s what I’d like to know, and if you’ve gotten this far, please use the comments section to enlighten me on these questions, because they have been puzzling me for a while.

First is anyone surprised? I’m not surprised and haven’t been surprised after I saw the fourth or fifth story of this type, that means I haven’t been surprised for years, and I’m twenty-five! Who cares? Who cares whose giving it to whom as long as after the pants go back on, everyone gets back to work like responsible adults? Why is it the business of the American Public if a senator or congressman or congresswoman, whatever, sends a picture of himself or herself wearing next to nothing to someone? Its called flirting in the digital age. You’ve flirted, sex is something you know about, you might have had an affair, you might be having an affair and you certainly know someone whose having an affair right now.

Pete D isn’t the point here. He’s an example. He has a love child. Big deal, bill clinton had a host of mistresses, so did JFK and LBJ. So have a countless number of our elected officials.

Why? because they are human, humans are animals and really want to have sex, and so we do.

Come on! Thomas Jefferson had a literal sex slave and as many as six secret love children and we got over that! We still venerate the man as brilliant, one of our founding fathers. And then Anthany Wener sends a dick pic and  its a huge deal worth hours of cnn and fox coverage.

Now there is a troubling aspect to polititions who like to fuck, and it is the power diferencial between the two parties in the relationship.

Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky might have been wrong on his part. It was certainly a breaking of his marriage vows, but that wasn’t new. What might have made his copping dome wrong was if MS. Lewinsky was giving it to him because she felt there would be negative consiquences of some form if she refused.

Here is a perfect example. If barack Obama made advances of a sexual nature towards me, I’d tell him I wasn’t interested because I’m not. This means that Obama wouldn’t have put me in an awkward position because I wouldn’t feel honor bound to hook up with him whatsoever.

The ethical problem arises when someone wants to say no but doesn’t because its the president asking.

But I assume that most affairs are not president to intern and I further assume the two parties involved are inteligent and aware of what they are doing, in which case the only person who should give a crap about this  is MRS. Domenici.

But the news acts like this has never happened before, and they  cover stories that get ratings, so presumably some of the American people care, and my question is why?

I literally cannot count how many times during my life a powerful man, or woman, of course, has gotten caught with his pants down in a room with someone who wasn’t his wife. Therefore this should not be surprising and shouldn’t make the news like an asteroid landing in russia.

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