The Muslim Problem

The killing of four Americans in Libya by Muslims is not at all surprising. An anti-Muslim video that mocks Mohammad was produced by persons as yet unknown. The video was clearly produced to send the Islamic faithful into a gigantic tantrum and despite the obviousness of this ploy has sent the Islamic faithful into a gigantic tantrum.
This is nothing new. Muslims all across the middle east childishly freak out whenever anyone denigrates their faith.
Let me try a little experiment.
Hey, Jesus was a pedophile. He totally used to fuck kids. His parentage is uncertain. He was a drunk, all that water into wine stuff, eh? Just a drunk kidfucker.
Anyone throwing rocks at my house? No. Is anyone going to look me up online and show up at my house to shoot me? Probably not.
And this is not because I have no readership. Christians make fun of Christian Icons all the time. America has culture wars, but we have somehow arrived at a point where Christian mobs don’t run through the streets killing people when secular things happen in this country.
Instead we try and talk it out.
And Muslims don’t do this. Of course I’m not talking about all Muslims, of course there are civilized Muslims, moral men and women who are as contemptuous of the constant convulsions of the militant members of Islam. Everyone who thinks about this situation knows that it isn’t every single Muslim throwing a violent hissy fit in the street over nothing, its only some of them throwing a violent hissy fit in the street over nothing. But this doesn’t change the facts.
Which are these.
Islam in the middle east and in north Africa are nothing but dry gunpowder atop a dry woodpile waiting for a spark.
And how often sparks fall!
Danish cartoons insulting Mohammad, Salmin Rushdi writing a book depicting Mohammad, southparks satirizing of Mohammad, a priest in Florida burning a Koran, all of these and more examples just like them resulted in violence.
And I say there should be no respect for the people who conducted this violence and there should be no respect for those who do not swiftly condem such violence. I do not think of them first as people. I think of them first as a strong force trying to drag civilization back into the dark ages. Darker ages, for the mid east.
Religious outrage is not acceptable. I don’t care if someone ate a Koran and shit it out, the proper response is not to kill people.
And here is where my own fury builds to a crescendo. Because the problem in the middle east is ignorance and savagery and a medieval temperament.
These people rioting are not worthy of our respect or our empathy. I wish to see them cut out of the fratirnity of man and pounded into the mud and dust of history. They are motivated by insanity and mass delusions.
They are little children transplanted into the bodies of grown men.
Christianity used to be equally bad. I’m not trying to intimate otherwise. The crusades and Jew burnings and witch trials and a historical record of religious war and rioting that literally fills hundreds of books.
But Christianity is a western religion and as most of the west has done well for itself in the first world you aren’t going to see the same type of Christian lynching that Muslims take such pleasure in performing every few months when someone somewhere does something that gets a cleric fired up.
This leaves me so angry because it is so senseless. There are good reasons to kill people. The Arab spring proves that. In a war or in self-defense the murder of our fellow men can be justified.
Those who defend Islam will argue they are in a war. They aren’t in a war. They are literally crazy people who are angry that someone made a bad joke about a long dead warlord they venerate as Christians venerate Jesus.
Get over yourselves or shove it, please.
Everyone is upset at the American deaths in Libya. And we condemned the violence as we always do. But no one is condemning the actual flesh and blood carriers of religion that caused it, and that’s what I’m here to do.
This is just one example of Muslim savagery. And yet again, Christians used to be just as bad, and in poor predominantly Christian countries I will never be surprised if I hear about someone making fun of God or Jesus and a mob ripping people apart in the streets or people storming an embassy or people killing someone or destroying something their feeble minds believe is responsible for the mockery of their beliefs. It is the providence of the poor, religious and ignorant to do these things. And it should be the natural reaction of everyone else to condemn them.
Everyone who seriously participated in the attack on our Embassy in Libya either needs to be locked away for the rest of their lives or shot in the face. I do not have a preference for which punishment is handed out. Its all the same to me.
Whenever something like this happens I think about our predator droans and I really hope we have lots of pilots working overtime.
This problem is systemic. Muslims are more religious than Christians.
Perfect example. Sodomy used to be punishable by death. And now in America Gay marriage is legal in six states. No mayors have been dragged out of doors by mobs eager to sodomize them with phallic shaped objects before hanging them gutted from something. To the catholic church a man wearing a condom is just as bad as a Muslim eating a pork sandwich. But no violent protests from American Catholics over this.
If it had been Christians who had done this my posts title would have reflected this. But it is not.
Look at the nonexistent logic. A video making fun of Islam surfaces. So the response is to kill members of an American Embassy despite the lack of involvement by that Embassy in the distribution or production of the video. Oh well. I shouldn’t be surprised by this either, religion to thought is darkness to light.
But I’m angry. This makes me want to see lots of bodies piled up. I want these extremists out of the world. I don’t care if they are out of the world because they are in prisons or out of the world because we have killed them.
As long as rats like this exist civilization will suffer.
A man killing another man for the tipicle reasons, money, drunkenness, jealousy, whatever, that’s bad. But a mob killing people in defense of mass delusions is worse and it offends me. It offends my sense of what humanity should be.
I do not wish that we stamp out all Muslim extremists in vengeance for Mr. Stevens. He’s already dead and is in no position to take any satisfaction from such a gesture.
I wish it be ripped out of the fabric of reality so that this does not keep happening.
Such Muslim stupidity leaves me feeling bellicose and hot headed. Part of me wishes that it becomes American policy to respond to every Muslim protest in which an American is killed by reacting with no sense of scale.
I don’t mean fighting a war like in Iraq. I mean a leveling of property and production. Just carpet bomb Libya for a few days, wipe out a few thousand Mosques, and tell them it will be ten times as bad if this happens again. Sorry, when this happens again.
But that response negates American Embassies and civilized behavior, so I draw away from it reluctantly.
But I do ponder. These little bastards don’t understand what they are doing. Do you have any comprehension of how utterly we could destroy Libya? And I’m not talking about nuclear weapons. I’m just talking about an ant trying to fight a war with a giant.
And part of me wishes to see an example made.
I’m not talking about our pissing away money into Iraq trying to rebuild a nation which is already falling back into the mud with our withdrawal, I’m talking about just smashing things and burning things and killing people as a demonstration.
Yes, I know we should not do this and it would be evil to do this.
But because we don’t do things like this these people believe they can kill our diplomats with impunity. And it infuriates me.
I don’t care if Libyans kill Libyans. It is very sad and also Libya’s problem. But when American diplomats are killed I do care and want something outsized done about it.
It is our benevolence that lets this happen in the first place.
Look at a map! Most of these Arab countries don’t even have the population of New York city! Its like one of the islands off Massachusetts declaring war on the United States.
I know the Libyan government apologized and I further realize that this attack was perpetrated by rogue elements within Libya.
And so fast on the heels of my rage at the needless bloodshed is just this vast onrushing feeling of intelligent superiority. Not American superiority, just first world superiority.
Let me break this down for you! Every place where this Libya thing can happen, that place is a bad uncivilized place! And I couldn’t say that if there wasn’t a civilized example to balance the scales. Look at all the places where religious riots don’t happen on a regular basis, and those places are probably better!
China and Iran, authoritarian exceptions.
The point I’m trying to make here is there is civilization there is hell and in developing nations there is purgatory.
Shitty countries are not intrinsically shitty. It isn’t the land that makes them the way they are, it isn’t the trees or the rivers or the water or the air. It is the people! Get ten thousand pacifists from across the world and give them a chunk of land and you will not see Muslim linchmobs running fuck wild through that country! You’ll see a lot of peaceful protests!
Similarly, make an atheist state. Make a video mocking atheists and atheism. You know what’s going to happen? Take a guess. Please take a guess! Seriously guess!
Nothings going to happen! Fucking nothing!
And I’m sick of the entire world continuously kowtowing to goat fucking retards! Syria’s a shit show, has been for a while. No one cares enough to do anything meaningful. Its not all on the United States. I’m sure there are at least fifty countries that could go and topple the Asad Rejeme. But they don’t want to. Its not happening at home, so who cares.
Everyone knows what’s happening in Syria is terrible. No moral country is seriously suggesting that Asod is a good leader. But no one is doing anything about it either.
Muslim rampages are like American school shootings. We all get really sad and cry. We eknowledge that this is a problem. We then berry and memorialize the dead with nice words. Some vague idea of doing something about this some time at some point somewhere is bandied about. Then we sit down hard with both thumbs shoved firmly up our asses and spend a long time doing nothing about it until it happens again, we get sad, wipe our hands, make some nice speeches and then put thumbs back in previous position and do a hole lot of nothing.
What has to happen for this peace love shit to stop? Dumbass Muslims in poor countries have Ala fever! You don’t give a crap someone made a crack about Jesus because you have other things going on. You don’t want to go rioting, you want to get on with whatever it was you were doing.
I don’t know what we’re supposed to do now. But something seems warranted. Because when we decide we aren’t going to do anything, its going to happen again.
Someone’s going to say Mohammad was gay or that turbans look stupid or that maybe Jews aren’t so bad after all, or perhaps women shouldn’t have to be forced into raps and should be able to drive and there’s going to be fire and blood and inaction. Enjoy.
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